Sunday, January 07, 2018

The British Army has been taken over by PC dreamers who are putting lives at risk


The ludicrous and dangerous morass into which obsequious and PC-addled senior officers have led the British Army is a source of real concern to every citizen of the nation.

In the face of external threats and massive budget constraints, the latest very public direction from the Army is to drop the use of "sir" – or indeed "ma’m" when answering the telephone, for fear of giving some offence to the person at the far end. This comes alongside notices not to use language like "mankind", "chaps" or "gentleman's agreement" from the Joint Equality Diversity and Inclusion unit, nicknamed the “Jedi”.

It is merely the most obvious manifestation of a lack of leadership that time and effort are given to such trivia in the face of crisis.



Anonymous said...

It is merely the most obvious manifestation of a lack of leadership that time and effort are given to such trivia in the face of crisis.

Amen to that.

Use the Name, Luke said...

Straining at a gnat and swallowing a camel.

ScienceABC123 said...

In the military this type of nonsense always springs up during times of peace, although we've got a really, really bad case of it right now. However, like the prohibitions on fraternization, they go flying out the door once the first shot is fired in times of war. It seems there is both sanity and insanity in times of peace and war.

Bird of Paradise said...

Why don't all the little snowflakes go and live in their special little place with all their fellow snowflakes far away from the rest of us so we don't have to put up with their constant whining

Menoichius said...

More proof that the Jedi ruin everything. Long live the Sith!

Spurwing Plover the fighting shorebird said...