Must not portray blacks as breaking the rules

When Margaret Sawyer first noticed the Red Cross safety poster at a pool in Salida, Colo., she thought she was looking at an unfortunate relic of the past.
When she saw it a second time at an entirely different pool in the central Colorado town, she was shocked, according to NBC affiliate KUSA.
“I saw this one, and I just kept thinking, ‘It looks like they’re trying to do something here that shows all kids together of all different backgrounds, but they’re clearly not hitting the mark,’” she said.
Not only were the poster’s designers not hitting the mark, Sawyer thought, they had created an image that was racist. Sawyer complained to a lifeguard at the first facility and penned a letter to management asking for the poster’s removal, she told KUSA.
The poster — titled “Be Cool, Follow The Rules” — depicts various children playing at the pool. But white children are labeled as behaving in a “cool” way while children of color who are depicted defying pool rules are labeled “not cool.”
Blacks are very crime-prone so the poster was simply realistic
The poster shows both dark and light skinned children both doing good things and bad things. For someone to only see the dark skinned children who are doing bad things and only the light skinned children as being good only reveals their inner biases.
If whining liberals think the poster is offensive then they can go soak their heads its just there to tell them what to do and what not to do
Two light skinned children at the top of the poster are labeled 'not cool'...
Many people will see only what they want to see.
Notice the black pushing the white into the pool NOT COOL just IRRESPONSIBLE
What sort of people would count the different coloured kids doing good and bad things so they could take offence at there being more of one kind of kid than the other kind doing the bad things? Lefties, of course.
All of the kids should be the same color, such as blue or green, so no one can take offense. smh.
AIB/44 - Giving the kids non-realistic skin colors shouldn't be required. The major problem with that poster is that someone ran it through their personal bias and came up with a message that isn't actually present instead of reading it for the message it was intended to present.
There is no reason to cater to the racist nitwit who complained, they should have been called out right then and there for being racist.
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