Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Criticism of homosexuality not allowed in Canada

I gather that it's election time in Ontario soon. The ruling Ontario Liberal party of Dalton McGuinty has in place a policy of preaching homosexuality and assorted weirdness to kids at school -- in the guise of "anti-homophobia". You can read an actual school manual about that here, though it's so long-winded that few people probably bother.

A Christian group put out the advertisement above and had it printed in the "National Post" but the Left howled so loudly that the paper apologized for running the ad and refused to run it again

So much for tolerance, free speech and open debate in Canada. Some points of view just must not be expressed.

The real problem of course is that a majority of Ontario residents probably dislike the sexual free-for-all being promoted to kids there and that might get the Liberal government tossed out. So they must not be reminded about what their government does in its schools


A. Levy said...

How is this not child abuse? Things like this happen when the population lose their will to fight for their freedom, liberty, and the things they believe to be right.

Anyone who has ever had dealings with gay activists knows that their #1 goal is always the same. Recruitment! It's the old, "there's saftey in numbers" mentality. And what better place to start than in a school. I wonder if they got the idea from one of their idols.

"To conquer a nation without the use of military force, one must first control the minds of their young..." --- Karl Marx

Anonymous said...

I guess that applies to any group with a goal, including christianity and other religions who see it as a right to indoctrinate young children (note the Jesuit maxim, similar to the one of Karl Marx quoted above).
I think that advert was indirect child-abuse in using the pictured kid in a political campaign when no child would say any such thing unless coached.

stinky said...

This is why the traditional media are dying; because they take sides. Sometimes we can agree with them, sometimes not, but when we know that, either way, we're only going to get biased reporting and policies, why bother with them at all?

As private businesses, they can refuse to sell, but people can also refuse to buy. Bit by bit, that is happening.

Bird of Paradise said...

Ohh CANADDDUUUHH and have you ever wondred why their maple leaf is RED? Frankly when you burn leave this month after they fall from the trees burn the maple ones especialy

Anonymous said...

canada will soon have a rainbow flag as its official symbol.faganada

stinky said...

Bird et al,

Yeah, if only Canada could keep up to the standards of places like Berkeley & Dearborn. Oh well, at least they risked and sacrificed their lives alongside the US in two world wars, amongst others. I suppose that's something.

BTW, would you trade Obama straight up for Harper? I mean, if the Canadians would even consider such a thing, that is. Just curious.

stinky said...

So, free speech will be reduced to a "zone" where those who question the prevailing orthodoxy (whether the questioning be justifiable or otherwise) will be presented to an orthodox crowd for jeers, heckles and potential violence.

Brilliant. The perfect synopsis of the politically correct vision of our future.

Anonymous said...

Stinky - I think you attached your comment to the wrong story.
As for this one - if it is true then I, as a parent, would be:
1. horrified
2. have no option but to pull my kids out of public schooling
3. Campaign loudly against this
4. Financially support any opposition.

Anonymous said...

Stinky - Canada was way in front of the US in "two world wars" - along side the British first! The US caught up somewhat later, but better late than never and it was very crucial timimg on both occasions !!!

stinky said...

Anon 2:54,

Good point!

In any event, the colors on the map are running; the real "war" these days is between those who would run their own lives, and those who can't stand that, and the battles in that war are occurring across all nations.

Legs Sparrow said...

My dad wanted to move us all to canada some years ago im glad my mom opposed it