Sunday, April 10, 2011

RI: Atheist girl sues to get school’s Christian prayer banner removed

Most likely the girl is just a tool being used by her family
"An atheist student and the Rhode Island ACLU have filed a lawsuit against a school in the state, demanding that a banner featuring a prayer to a 'heavenly father' be removed from their facilities on the grounds that it violates the constitutional requirement of a separation between church and state.

The banner has been in the school’s auditorium for about 50 years, according to local media."


How the Left hate Christianity! But what if the Heavenly Father is Allah? That would stump them! They would have to be "tolerant" then.


Use the Name, Luke said...

"Separation of Church and State" is not in the Constitution. But the free exercise of religion is.

Their to suppress the free exercise of religion violates the Constitution.

Use the Name, Luke said...

Oops. That should be "Their demand to suppress…"

Anonymous said...

50 years! - what other dusty decorations do they have in that school - portraits of JFK?

Anonymous said...

The taxpayer supported school does not get to be a cheerleader and indoctrination center for your invisible friend. Many of us don't want our money wasted in such a fashion. That includes ALL your invisible friends, not just the christians.
And while your at it, stay away from my science class.


Anonymous said...

"Their to suppress the free exercise of religion violates the Constitution."

Religion constitutes a massive fraud. Fraud is illegal.

sig said...

Sorry, Anons 10:46 & 12:37, but you really need to study your history. The United States of America was founded upon a belief in God:

FACT: The United States Declaration of Independence specifically refers to God and Creator. Sorry Atheists, but you weren't represented here.

FACT: The United States Constitution--the foundation upon which our laws are based--has a direct reference to Jesus Christ by being signed "in the year of our Lord...."

Your denial of the facts does not change the truth of the facts.

Anonymous said...


What about all the facts that you religionists ignore? Where are all your facts that PROVE the existence of your god?

Anonymous said...

The United States of America was just as much founded on slavery as on "God" and "Creator", whatever those terms meant at the time, and to whom.

Anonymous said...

"Year of our Lord" was a convention in a religious age. Can we please move on from the 18th century!

Anonymous said...

@sig- Yeah, there were alot of other things people belived in back in 1776 that modern educated people don't beleive in now.

Your beliefs are not supported by facts or logic. They are, at the most basic level, totally insane. Try this...take a bible and substitute the word "aliens" for every referance to god. And "Mork from Ork" for Jesus. The book reads basically the same and is no less provable. Just an example.The only differance between your god and Odin is the Roman Catholic church had a much more agressive PR department.

Look, I don't care what YOU wanna delude yourself with. It's your brain and you have the right to fill it with whatever foolishness you want. But don't expect the rest of us to pay for it or take you seriously. If you want to live in a theocracy feel free to move to one. My I suggest Saudi Arabia.

Anonymous said...

All Christians are atheists. Don't believe me ? Do you believe in Ra ? Apollo ? Zeus ? Mithras ? Or His Noodleness, The Flying Spaghetti Monster ?? No you don't. Well then you're an atheist! The only difference is we add your particular god to that list.

Anonymous said...

The real problem here is public education.

As an Atheist i find the idea that the earth is only 6 thousand years old, or that dinosaurs were killed during Noah's flood ridiculous. I will not teach these things to my children. Instead I will attempt to teach them to reason things for themselves, using known facts, and extrapolation to come to their own conclusions.

With that said, I believe PARENTS have the right to teach their children anything they want. The right to send their children to any school they want, where they will be taught all sorts of nonsense.

unfortunately the modern school system prevents competition. Punishes people who don't want to send their children to public school, and pushes a one size fits all education system. All in the name of equality. Which is why American children are often equally stupid.

I'll bet most people that support the hanging of this banner, are outraged that this same school teaches evolution.

The only true answer is to get government out of schooling. Stop taxing property owners to teach children things they don't support (consent is the true measure of a free society), and make education what it should be. The responsibility of parents, to do themselves, or contract out to a school of their choosing.

I don't have a problem with true Christians. Christ taught many great things, and the world would be better if people followed his word. The Libertarian non aggression principle is in my opinion the only truly Christian political view. Inferring that the declaration of independence only applies to religious people is asinine. Any true Christian would love his neighbor as himself, even if his neighbor doesn't agree with him.

Anonymous said...

Why not file a lawsuit to rid the school of atheists? Or, better yet, why not burn them at the stake?

Anonymous said...

3:28 PM Are you still in the 17th century?

Anonymous said...

3:28 needs to get back on his meds.

Anonymous said...

@Anon 3:28-Successful troll is successful

@Spurwing Plover-Don't like it when we ask you keep your invisible friend outta my taxpayer-funded schools? Too bad
Do I bring reason and logic to your church?

Spurwing Plover said...

The ACLU was founded by a communists and thats why it was to remove everything christian so there annon SQUAWK SQUAWK SQUAWK