Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Super Bowl commercial accused of making light of Tibet suffering

We read:
"A Super Bowl advert for Groupon, the online voucher company, has been accused of making light of the suffering of the Tibetan people.

The company, which offers cut-price goods and services when internet users buy en masse, aired the commercial during breaks in last night's game, which was watched by an estimated 100 million people.

In the Groupon advert the actor Timothy Hutton says: “The people of Tibet are in trouble, their very culture in jeopardy”, in apparent reference to the Chinese government's refusal to accept the Himalayan region's autonomy.

But then he adopts a more jovial tone, noting that Tibetans are still able to “whip up a great fish curry”, and that "since 200 of us bought at Groupon.com, we're each getting $30 worth of Tibetan food for just $15."

The light-hearted reference to Tibet's political turmoil failed to impress some viewers, who took to Twitter and other social network sites to express their displeasure.


Is there anything left that you can joke about?


Anonymous said...

"Is there anything left that you can joke about?"

Yes! Sarah Palin.

Anonymous said...

They joke about and stalk Palin, I guess families are okay to joke about?

Anonymous said...

Americans only care about themselves - the rest of the world is only there to serve their interests - hence their global reach with military bases everywhere to pro-actively protect their exploitation of the planet so they can consume and pollute it out of all proportion to their dumbed-down, brain-washed population.
However, they are also too dumb and/or greedy (over-feeding themselves on cheap imports) to realize they are being bought out by the Chinese and other creditors they look down on as "3rd world". The day of reckoning will come soon! Having a lot of nuclear weapons won't save them!

Anonymous said...

First, if we only cared about ourselves, most of the world would be starving. Thanks to our international welfare program, (a.k.a. foreign aid) we give the people of the world a chance to eat. At the same time, we also give them the opportunity to abuse our unlimited (and highly misguided) generosity.

But the communist above does have a point about our military. Our warriors should be home protecting their own country. They should not be in Iraq, nor should they be trying to turn a pile of rubble (Afghanistan) into a real country when it's people enjoy living in the 10th century. Leave them to themselves.

Our troops should be at home dealing with the real threat to our nation which is at our southern border. Once they've done that, and assuming this current govt is still in DC, they shoul;d round-up the govt and hang them all, starting in the Oval Office.

Anonymous said...

Hmm! - that quickly put you yankee-doodles on the defensive - accusing the poster of being Communist / British (I guess they must be those you evidently most hate, even more than the truth about yourselves!!!! - atho' speaking of the Brits - you even hate your only real ally in the world - how ungrateful and stupid is that!
And re US aid, in case you were too dumb or naive to realize, it is to promote US influence and business (and any humanitarian aspect is only incidental unless undertaken by some thankfully kind individuals who may or may not have US passports).
So real sorry to upset the US chauvinists and jingoists - just trying to put things in a little better perspective!

Anonymous said...

"So real sorry to upset the US chauvinists and jingoists"

Please don't lump all of us here in America in that category. However, you may bash the rightwing christofascists. it is fun to watch them react.

Dean said...

Are anon 4:41 and anon 5:21 the same person, or are they two different posters afraid to use an identifiable moniker? Oh well, makes no difference. He/She, or they, are are allowed an opinion, one with which I agree in part.

Ideally the U.S. military should get out of the Middle East (and everywhere else). If those people want democracy, let them take it themselves. If they're happy living in 12th century societies under dictatorships or monarchs or whatever, let them.

Our military should be posted along our southern border with permission to engage drug or human smugglers.

My disagreement is with the statement that "Americans only care about themselves ..." and your later statement that foreign aide is merely a political lever. In every natural disaster I can remember the U.S. has been there with the world community to provide help. There are many in this country to not only pay taxes to provide that help, but also donate to church, private and public charities.

Bash the U.S. if you wish, but be aware that, despite actions we look back on with shame, through the years the balance falls in favor of our country doing good for the world.

Anon 4:41 - could you give an example of a country or society that isn't interested in it's own well being? One that totally practices live-and-let-live with its neighbors?

Feel free to roam through history for such an example if you wish.

Anonymous said...

That's because Sarah has enough self confidence to laugh along with you . However , well , you know .
ba-dump-bump (drums in case you didn't get it)
On another note
You can offend all of the people some of the time .
You can offend some of the people all of the time .
But it takes real skill and a lot of effort to offend all of the people all of the time . ba-dump-bump


Anonymous said...

Just wanted to chime in quickly with a couple points:
1. The largest recipient of US Foreign Aid is Israel - not too many starving people there. The second largest recipient is Egypt - certainly a poorer country but one who is governed by a West and Israel friendly dictator whose own people are currently trying to remove.
2. How is the term 'jungle drums' racist in any way? It may have origins in African tribal history but how could it possibly be considered derogatory. This is a classic example of people just wanting to find something to be offended at.

Anonymous said...

we are the biggest giving nation in the world. you are jealous or full of envy. Sorry for such a sad life you must live always hating all the time.

Anonymous said...

"Sounds like one of those British pansies to me. No problerm. Soon they'll all be wearing burkas and bowing to everything that moves."

They're known as poofs anon 4:41 AM

Anon 4:41 said...

I stand corrected. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

If you think everyone in a given country is a homosexual or effeminate (poof/pansy) then you are a very poor example of your own country!

Yes, all countries obviously look to their own interests, but it's how it's done that's the point being made.

The US is a continental-size country so its contribution to international humanitarian aid should be in proportion (population-wise and GDP-wise). On that basis smaller western countries often give more than the US.

Menoichius said...

So... if we're "dumbed-down/brainwashed", how did the rest of the world end up serving our interests?

http://libertarians4freedom.blogspot.com/ said...

What America gives to Israel is nothing compared to what they give to USAID which spreads money all over the world.
