Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Speaking an obvious truth forbidden in the Border Patrol?

We read:
"A former Border Patrol agent, Bryan Gonzalez, has filed suit against his former employer. He’s alleging he was fired for pointing out that legalizing drugs would end drug-war violence in Mexico.

The agent’s observation prompted an internal affairs investigation, which determined that Gonzalez held 'personal views that were contrary to the core characteristics of Border Patrol agents, which are patriotism, dedication, and esprit de corps"



Stan B said...

In America's litigious society, who honestly believes that legalization would result in actual "legitimate" availability of any drug?

As soon as any business gets big enough to sue, they'll be hit with all sorts of product liability lawsuits - c.f. Tobacco, Alcohol, and just about every drug company on the planet.

Yes, your weed from Big Pharma will be legal, but you'll be paying even bigger bucks for it!

Anonymous said...

Border patrol's definition of patriotism - Shut up and follow the party line, comrade!

Anonymous said...

Isn't that the definition of "patriotism" always defined by the ruling class? (ex "comrade")

I. Know said...

"the core characteristics of Border Patrol agents, which are patriotism, dedication, and esprit de corps"

They obviously forgot to include "PC'ized bullshit".

After 31 years with the NYPD, i can asure you that the basic mentality behind the so-called "war on drugs" is exactly the mentality used in the Viet Nam war. "Fight the war, but don't win"! It's a war that was never meant to be won, just fought.

Why fight and not win?

1) Because hundreds-of-Billions are made from that so-called war, mostly by major banks and insurance companies here in the US.

2) It gives the govt a "legitimate-sounding" reason/excuse for raising taxes.

3) It creates the "illusion" that your govt is actually doing something.

4) South American countries owe TRILLIONS to American banks and they have only one way to even try to repay them. Drugs. Do you think the country's biggest banks will want anything to mess with that?

Solution to drug problem?

1) Summarily execute anyone caught selling drugs. Or,

2) Legalize them. (if you can get by the big businesses)