Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Foolish Editor Thinks Coverups Work

We read:

"News that gifts for needy children at the Community and Family Resource Center were stolen days before Christmas was shocking and upsetting.

Arrested in connection in the CFRC theft were three siblings, ranging in age from 10 to 12 years of age. Their cases were held in family court, where names are not part of the public record because of the ages of the suspects. We did not publish their names, nor any other description, other than their ages and that they are related.

So those who advocated a return to slavery were assuming that the suspects are black. Maybe they are, maybe they aren't. But their race is irrelevant. People of all races commit crimes.


Who does he think he is kidding? If the thieves had been white he would have announced it immediately with a great cry of triumph. In the USA, nine out of ten crimes are committed by blacks and people are aware of that. Even if people don't read any statistics, the black/white gap in criminality is so large that it just can't be covered up. The media do often omit racial descriptions but is there really anyone who does not know on such occasions that the omitted word is "black"?

In the case above the thieves had recently arrived from a major center of black population (Chicago), were already clients of the welfare center and had a mother whom the authoriities thought was neglecting her chilren. And the 12 year old already had a criminal record of 7 offences. Obviously Mormons! Or that's apparently what our idiotic self-appointed media censors want us to think.

The one sure result of these media coverup policies is that they reduce people's trust in the media -- and that is DEFINITELY a good thing.