Thursday, November 08, 2007

Proposed Anti-Gang Law is "Racist"

We read:

"An anti-crime initiative about to hit the streets is "racially loaded," says the California Legislative Black Caucus' incoming chairman, who plans to lead opposition to the measure if it qualifies for the ballot....

The initiative, called the Safe Neighborhoods Act, is being championed by state Sen. George Runner and his wife, Assemblywoman Sharon Runner, Republicans from Lancaster, a Los Angeles County desert suburb.....

The measure would stiffen sentences in specific gang-related statutes and bolster civil injunctions against street gangs to the point where violations could carry prison time. More generally, it would create a new 10-year prison term for some ex-felons caught carrying guns and ratchet up penalties on crimes like home-invasion robberies to life in prison.

It would restrict federal court- ordered due process rights for parolees, including the right to a lawyer. It would allow hearsay testimony against defendants accused of dissuading witnesses from testifying.


Crime committed by "minorities" should just be overlooked, I guess.