Wednesday, August 03, 2011

The old "tar baby" nonsense again

We read:
""Tar Baby" -- from time to time, this ugly racially charged phrase has come up in our political discourse.

Representative Doug Lamborn (R-CO) used the term to describe President Obama in a statewide radio interview on Friday. You can listen to that interview here, which we examined on my KKZN-AM760 radio show this morning. Here's the key excerpt:

LAMBORN: Even if some people say "well, the Republicans should have done this, or should have done that," they will hold the President responsible. Now, I don't even want to be associated with him, it's like touching a, a tar baby and you get know you're stuck and you're part of the problem and you can't get away.

Tellingly, this openly derogatory epithet comes from not just any old politician. Lamborn is a United States congressman from Colorado Springs -- one of the most conservative Tea-Party-loving districts in America. In the hard-core right-wing political circles he runs in, describing a black person as a "tar baby" is probably more than acceptable -- it may even be celebrated, especially when aimed at a political opponent like President Obama.


The tar baby in the original story was not a person of any color, black or white. It was a lump of sticky tar. So using the term implies nothing about any person either. And it was clearly the stickiness and not the color that Rep. Lamborn was referring to.

It's just Leftist desperation to find "racism" among conservatives that lies behind the fuss. Extended commentary on the matter here.

1 comment:

A. Levy said...

After years of hearing leftists use the most vile, obnoxious, and profane language to describe anyone who they disagree with, especially Whites, Conservatives, and Christian males, and after hearing them call GW Bush a Nazi for eight years, i will no longer find "anything" said by the Right to be offensive, in any way, no matter who it's aimed at, be it real or imaginary.

When the vice president of the United States can go on TV and call a "huge" segment of the American people "terrorists", simply because they refuse to bow and comply with the whims of the left, then IMO, anything goes. The American people need to wake-up and regain their will, guts, and self respect.

"Weakness begets aggression..."