Monday, August 29, 2011

Disagree with Al Gore -- you are a racist

"Fighting for Mother Earth’s Civil Rights": Al Gore Says Debating With Him on Climate Science Is the Moral Equivalent of Being a Bull Connor Racist.

If you have a strong stomach and can withstand hate-filled self righteousness, watch him below


Since his own father voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964, I guess he knows a bit about the subject.


Anonymous said...

Al Gore is just afraid of losing some of his carbor trading business. His wealth and future income depend on keeping people scared.

Anonymous said...

He's the high priest of a death cult. He makes me ill.

stinky said...

Interesting how many Monty Python skits are taken seriously by the Left these days.

"You deniers go away or I shall taunt you some more!"

That's all the racism charge is these days: a hurtful lie to be used as a threat.

Gore is well aware of its diminishing returns these days, but uses it anyway, so he's clearly desperate.

Anonymous said...

And just think, this total clod nearly became president.

Anonymous said...

Sadly our ruling government of cretins pay credence to this bullshit artsist and his false religion in order to fulfil the utopian leftist wish of wealth redistribution and create a larger welfare state not only in Australia but also in developing countries by assisting in growing a population without the means to support itself thereby becoming a global welfare basket case.

It is time all leftists in government, puplic service and the unions were shown the door and made redundant for the next millenium. Let's bury Marxism once and for all along with any socialist baggage masked as greenies now known as watermelons in Australia.