NOBODY is allowed to criticize Obama

We read:
"Arizona Governor Jan Brewer on Thursday used Facebook to criticize President Obama’s recent decision to halt prosecutions of illegal immigrants. Early Friday morning, the post had more than 10,000 Likes, before Facebook removed it.
Brewer’s Facebook post criticized a controversial policy decision by President Barack Obama’s administration to limit deportations of illegal immigrants. It was accompanied by an illustration depicting her as “Rosie the Riveter” and a slogan that read, “Arizona – doing the job the feds won’t do.” In the image (pictured above), her face is superimposed onto the famous character representing American women who worked in factories during World War II.
Facebook told Brewer the image violated its rules: “Facebook censored the post and removed it because the photo apparently violated their ‘Facebook Community Standards,’” Brewer posted on the social network, according to The Arizona Republic. “I just got this automatic email from them at 5:12 AM,” Brewer said, adding that she had been “feeling quite proud about the post, because it had generated so much interest.”
Facebook said it was sorry for deleting the post; the company issued a statement saying that “the post was removed in error. We apologize for the inconvenience.” The social network said it mistakenly removed the post, but did not provide further details, such as whether the removal resulted from complaints by other Facebook users.
Funny how their "errors" never affect the radical leftists who infest their pages, and the minds of the fools who use their service.
This sort of thing has happened before to various blogs, so it's not just happening on Facebook, and usually seems to trace back to someone working in, or for, customer support, who sees a chance to censor a differing political opinion and can't resist the power trip.
The higher-ups, being generally "onside" with bigger govt, will ignore such censorship of "incorrect" political opinion unless/until it's brought into the open.
Obviously the Obamanazis flagged the post as "offensive, or in violation of community standards." Typical leftist out to destroy free speech.
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