Must not "black up" -- for any reason

Two Australian guys above "blacked up" as a form of support for a black footballer -- the guy in the middle above. Big blunder!
Qantas has been slammed for encouraging two men to dress in blackface and posting the photo on Twitter.
The Twitter competition, held earlier this month, asked Australian fans to tell how they would show their support for the team for the chance to win two exclusive tickets to the game with New Zealand at Brisbane's Suncorp Stadium on Saturday night.
The competition winners arrived at the game dressed as their favourite player, Radike Samo, wearing Australia's famous green and gold and with their arms, legs and faces painted black. Qantas posted a photo of the duo on its official Twitter page.
But what was supposed to be "a show of support" sparked outrage among Twitter users, who labelled the "blacking up" stunt "appalling."
Qantas quickly removed the photo and apologised to its followers Sunday morning. "We understand it caused offense to some people, which is why it was removed. We are really sorry if it has upset anyone," the tweet read.
I thought imitation was the sincerest form of flattery - ?
There is nothing offensive about this. This has nothing to do with minstrel shows or degrading blacks. But these weak minded liberals have been told it's offensive, so it must be.
Of course, most conservative types are just as weak minded and indoctrinated, but usually with the truth.
So two white guys are such big fans that the made themselves look like the player they admire. Where is the insult?
I agree - these folks are foolish to see racism in this!
But, don't they have the right to express their opinion, no matter how stupid?
Of course! I love it when liberals express their foolish opinions.
The problem is Quantas getting slammed for this and forced to apologize ...
My-- my, sensitive little darlings.
Or is it insecure opportunists looking to score points with the Liberals?
The world is becoming one big polerized, tribal war-dance stage!
What I find most offensive -
truckloads of white middle class Australians being offended ON BEHALF OF their poor oppressed black brethren.
Radike had no problem with it - he thought it was cool that these guys admired him so much - as it was intended. Many blacks had no problem with it (save for the institutionally offended ones). Here's a newsflash, neither Australia nor NZ have the same history with blackface. I remember the Black and White Minstrel show on tv in the 70s.
Get over it people - foolish to take offensive when it IS intended, even more foolish to take offense where none is intended.
The only person who could have legitimate cause for being offended is the guy in the middle of the photo and he apparently has absolutely no issues with it at all... Everyone who claims this is offensive is simply posturing trying to make themselves feel better..
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