Saturday, April 09, 2011

Australia: Must not call homosexuals queens

Even if some of them behave that way
"WA Police Minister Rob Johnson has come under attack for homophobic comments towards an openly gay Labor MP in state parliament.

Opposition frontbencher John Hyde was pursuing Mr Johnson on Thursday on the cost of the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) during debate over the proposed laws for the event.

However, the police minister dismissed Mr Hyde's questions as irrelevant and remarked: "He is just really, really upset and jealous that we have got a true queen coming to WA". He withdrew the comments moments later.

Mr Johnson today claimed he was referring to Queen Elizabeth II, not making any reference to the gay MP.



Anonymous said...

He was obviously referring to two "queens" - one the "true" queen and one the "gay" queen.

Anonymous said...

"Poof the magic fagott" sounds like a perfectly good description of the limp-wristed MP!

Anonymous said...

Why shouldn't the MP be effeminate if he wants to be (if he actually is, but probably he isn't at all, as not all gay people are by any means)- isn't that "freedom of expression" ?

sig said...

"The gay queen clutched the fag tightly."

If you have any understanding of the English Language, you would know that the above sentence has absolutely nothing to do with homosexuality.

Anonymous said...

The fairy sat on a poof, and said "Ooh, that's hard".

Anonymous said...

Are the terms nancy boy; pedophile; sodomite; and pantywaist also banned?