Sunday, October 17, 2010

WaPo censors Mohammed cartoon

We read:
"Last week, when Wiley Miller’s popular comic Non Sequitur featured a cartoon called “Where’s Muhammad?” — a cartoon that didn’t even depict Muhammad — the Washington Post, among other newspapers, never ran it in the print editions. Why didn’t they run it? Because, writes Andrew Alexander, the Washington Post’s ombudsman, editors “were concerned it might offend and provoke some Post readers, especially Muslims.”

Of course the first of the two reasons the ombudsman gives — the terrifying “offend” — is probably not the one Marcus Brauchli, the newspaper’s executive editor with a history of bad decisions during his brief reign, most feared. What Brauchli undoubtedly dreaded was the possibility he might provoke, as in “provoke especially Muslims [to violence]".


WaPo explains here


Anonymous said...

Being subservient to the insidious virus known as political correctness only makes it spread faster and grow stronger. It is (the most) destructive and corrosive force in our society, one that is fueled by the weakness of the people. It is a far greater threat to our freedom than is terrorism.

Anonymous said...

A Somali boy asks his father:

- What is this weird hat that we are wearing?

- Why, it's a "chechia" because in the desert it protects our heads from the sun!

- And what is this type of clothing that we are wearing?

- It's a "djbellah" because in the desert it is very hot and it protects your body!

- And what are these ugly shoes that we have on our feet?

- These are "babouches", which keep us from burning our feet when in the desert!

- Tell me dear Abba?

- Yes my son?

- Why are we living in Dearborn, Michigan and still wearing all this shit?

Anonymous said...

"Tell that to the victims of 911. Stupid shit."

political correctness made 9/11 possible.
Had the west now bowed to muhammedans and other "special interest" groups for decades there'd have been strict restrictions making it impossible for them to get into a position where they could orchestrate the attacks.

stinky said...

Actually, I suspect the editors canned it more because it made fun of them, hiliting their own wimpishness.

Satire on thee, but not on me!