We read:
"We're gonna guess that Joe Scarborough is off Newt Gingrich's Christmas card list. The MSNBC host—and former Republican Revolutionary—absolutely savages Gingrich in a column for Politico today, calling him a “cartoonish cable news fixture” who “smears” anyone he disagrees with. “The same politician who once saw himself as a latter-day Winston Churchill—sent by God to save Western civilization—now gets rich off political hate speech.”
What else can you call it when a man accuses Kathleen Sebelius of acting “in the spirit of Soviet tyranny,” or calls Barack Obama “as great a threat to America as Nazi Germany or the Soviet Union.” And then there are his attacks on Islam—which might actually put our troops in danger. It’s sad, because “unlike the ideological tools who pollute prime-time cable shows ... Newt Gingrich knows better.” He’s chosen to deal in “childish political insults” purely because “rage is good for business.” If he doesn't rein it in, his party could once again pay the political price.
It sounds like Scarborough is the hater. He is clearly drifting Leftward -- maybe that's a requirement of his TV job with MSNBC
One has to ask the question:
Is "Scarborough fair" a reality or just some drug induced fantasy song rattled off by a couple of lefty wackos like Simon and Garfunkel
If anyone doubts the fact that Joe Scarborough is a progressive RINO, they must be employeed by msnbc. If he were even close to being a true Conservative Republican, he wouldn't have that job, nor would the ultra-elitist, socialist snob Mika sit next to him. He is exactly were he belongs.
Anon 1:12 AM is very angry.
And it stoops to vile name calling.
You need to go to anger management classes.
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