Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Ed Schultz: Hate Speech to Call Me Fat, but OK to call NJ governor a racist

We read:
"Liberal radio host and aspiring MSNBC flamethrower Ed Schultz remains unrivalled as a bottomless pit of buffoonery.
SCHULTZ: By the way, I do want to mention the fact that I've gotten a lot of emails from Beck's fans, I guess, and they always like to say I'm fat, hey you fat. I just want you to know that I was fat right after college, I've been fat for a long time, I was fat yesterday, I'm fat today, I'm going to be fat tomorrow. Why? Because I like to eat stuff. I'm kind of a normal American and I get passionate about issues when I see jobs that are being shipped out overseas. You Beck supporters that have been leaving me hate voicemails and hate emails, bring it on baby, just bring it on.

As Schultz continued talking about Christie yesterday, it became clear the hinges were loosening:
Equal opportunity is a commitment that this country made decades and centuries ago. Equal opportunity, hell, under Chris Christie, women probably wouldn't even be voting if he had his way! Under Chris Christie, we'd probably have people still in the back of the bus.



Brian from Virginia said...

Just another in a very long line from the 'do as I say, not as I do' crowd.

Anonymous said...

It's not that big of a deal what he says. I don't think anybody watches MSNBC anyway, do they?

Anonymous said...

Slow news day, Jon?

Anonymous said...

Another MSM Liberal douchebag who needs to have his vocal cords removed.

Sorry Ed we've plain run out of anesthesia.

Anonymous said...

Good thing he's on a program that no one watches anyway. I don't think you should even bring up his name. He's not worth talking about. Stormewaters