We read:
"Strictly Right sent out a press release earlier today to Canadian media with some rather startling news about the upcoming Mark Steyn speech in London, Ontario that we’re putting together. Mark Steyn will be speaking on November 1st in a speech entitled “Head for the Hills: Why everything in your world is doomed.” Apparently, London-area Muslims didn’t like that idea too much.
Due to capacity constraints at the University of Western Ontario, the original venue for the event, we had booked the London Convention Centre (LCC,) London’s premiere conference facility. On Tuesday, I received a phone call from the LCC telling us that our venue had been pulled, and that Mark Steyn would not be permitted to speak there. The reason offered by the LCC was that they had received pressure from local Islamic groups, and they didn’t want to alienate their Muslim clients. It’s interesting to note that the LCC is owned by the City of London, and is therefore a government operation.
It’s interesting that a government-run business decided that freedom of speech was no longer a concept to be upheld.
LOL at CanaDUH! already being bullied about by Muslims. Just wait candians it gets worse - see the UK.
They deserve what they're going to get.
just watch, the typical anti-Christian liberals will be on here defending muslims soon enough.
Allah is a PIG! Mohammed likes bacon!
I hope you got that phone call on tape and sent a copy to your lawyer.
Not that it will do any good in the Caliphlate of Canada!
And is the US muslim-free and mosque-less?
Once Sharia Law takes hold in Canada, its persecuted residents will wish they had stood up for their rights. It's coming, people, and it's coming sooner than you think.
Uh, I don't think you can actually blame Muslims for this. This is the same old story of someone in a position of power exercising it for the sake of showing that they can do it. I would bet that no Muslim made the slightest complaint to the person who made this decision, instead that person assumed there would be complaints and used that as an excuse for exercising his petty little bit of power.
There is certainly things you can pin the blame on Muslims for but this really isn't one of them.
And you know that, how?
To be honest I don't "know" it. I merely suspect that it's the truth simply because it happens so very frequently.
Muslims are unlikely to call their baby boys Jack or Harry, etc. but when the majority of muslims favor the name of their prophet, it will appear to be one of the most popular names in the UK for baby boys even if muslims are still only a small minority of the total population.
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