Friday, October 08, 2010

Conservative views must not be expressed in front of blacks

Or so claims black businessman below who attended a presentation at the Shreveport Chamber of Commerce at which Frank Luntz spoke.
"Frank Luntz polarized his audience in the first 10 minutes of speaking. He ragged on (Shreveport) Mayor (Cedric) Glover, who was present; he ragged on President Obama; he ragged on Jessie Jackson; and he ragged on Nancy Pelosi. He even ragged on Democrats in the audience.

It was clear right away that everyone in the room knew his political position. I am of the opinion that he was not in the right place to say many of the things he said.

A local pastor stood up and expressed his concern, but Mr. Luntz continued his same platform. I might as well have been at a tea party or a Republican convention. Several people, including myself, got up and walked out.

The Greater Shreveport Chamber of Commerce owes the African-American community an apology.


He obviously has no conception of how routine it is for conservatives to be confronted with bigoted Leftist speech. But I guess that tolerance is not expected of blacks


Brian from Virginia said...

So he didn't agree with the speaker's point of view, so he got up and walked out? I have no problem with that; I would the same thing. You have the right to have and express your opinion, but I don't have to sit and listen to it.

Anonymous said...

President Obama is JUST AS MUCH BLACK AS HE IS WHITE for crap sake!!


Anonymous said...

He's less black than he is white.
Check his daddies ancestry.


Anonymous said...

Another clear indication of what i've always said, in that, blacks are among the most racist people in this country. All you need do is open your ears, eyes, and mind, and you can't miss it.

Anonymous said...

"It is forgotten that the right of free speech means the freedom to advocate one’s views and to bear the possible consequences, including disagreement with others, opposition, unpopularity and lack of support. The political function of “the right of free speech” is to protect dissenters and unpopular minorities from forcible suppression—not to guarantee them the support, advantages and rewards of a popularity they have not gained."
– Ayn Rand

Anonymous said...

Anon 5:43 PM, No. If you criticize just ONE person who has ANY black ancestry, then you are a racist. Unless, of course, you are black, then you can call ANY black a n*gger, and it's not racist. Welcome to 21st century America.


Anonymous said...

This is but one result of going from a free people to a nation of sheeple.

Anonymous said...

"Unless, of course, you are black, then you can call ANY black a n*gger, and it's not racist."

If you're not a card carrying Dhimmicrat and union member it'd still be racist even if you were black.
You'd just be classed as not black enough or whatever.

saintknowitall said...

No word from menstruating women on the us of the term "ragged" in the review. :)