Friday, October 22, 2010

Attack on political free speech has a win so far

We read:
"A national anti-abortion group, the Susan B. Anthony List, has filed a lawsuit over a state election law that prohibited the group from putting up a billboard against a Democratic congressman, according to the Associated Press.

The group claims Rep. Steve Driehaus (D-OH), a first-term anti-abortion Democrat, ‘voted for taxpayer funding of abortion,’ because he voted for the new healthcare laws. The planned billboard would have read, ‘Shame on Steve Driehaus! Driehaus voted FOR taxpayer-funded abortion.’

Driehaus denied the claim and filed a complaint with the Ohio Election Commission. The commission ruled in Dreihaus’ favor, saying that there was probable cause that the planned billboard included false statements.”


He voted for Obamacare and is now trying to hide that.


Anonymous said...

The publicity from the suit and media coverage will far overshodow the impact the billboards would have made so he would have been better off letting them put them up. However he is a typical short sighted liberal thank goodness.


Anonymous said...

How can it be a false statement when he voted for Obamacare which will have the effect of government funded abortions? Yes, I know Obama signed an Executive Order. It will be overturned in court the first time it is challenged and Obama knows it.

Anonymous said...

Presidental executive orders have no standing in law, meaning, they can not/will not stand up to a court challenge. But they do make great toilet paper.