Sexy British game for kids in trouble

We read:
"A new web craze where young girls make their virtual characters adopt children as fashion accessories has outraged parents' groups. The controversial My Minx game also sees girls as young as seven giving their characters contraceptives and morning-after pills.
Players clothe their virtual minxes in sexy lingerie and other revealing outfits and buy 'trophy orphans' - named after children already adopted by celebrities.
The adoption clinic in a virtual Style City features girls called Pax and Maddox and a boy named Zahara after Angelina Jolie's children. The virtual youngsters have the same nationalities as Jolie's with Maddox, three, said to be Cambodian and a fan of eating cockroaches.
The controversial game, by a North London firm, sees players take their minxes binge drinking and clubbing as they try to pull men. Once they have paid the adoption fees, players style their new children in over-the-top designer gear and can then try to sell image rights for them to celebrity magazines.
For minxes that succeed in one night stands, there are virtual condoms and morning after pills....
My Minx was launched shortly before Christmas and has already attracted 20,000 members – with some as young as seven. But parents' groups are horrified to see the game taking off and have accused the game's creators of ‘exploiting children for profit’.
But the game's creator, Blighty Arts director Christopher Evans, insisted that the game was ‘harmless, tongue-in-cheek entertainment’. Mr Evans, 30, said: ‘It is nonsense to suggest our game is a bad influence on young children. ‘We try to protect children too much from the real world for too long in this day and age. They cannot be wrapped up in cotton wool. ‘We should let them grow up making their own decisions about the games they play. ‘The game teaches children about the world while poking fun at celebrity adoptions.
‘Every time they turn on the TV they will see the likes of Madonna adopting African children anyway.
Sorry my Liberal, anything goes for 7-year old friends....
Blighty Arts director and primo ass-magnet Christopher Evans should be castrated with a red-hot, rusty dull scapel.
I guess there always those who abuse their freedoms and rights or try to push the envelope of good-taste and social-responsibility to its most extreme.
"Harmless, tongue-in-cheek entertainment"? Not when it's aimed at small children!
But for adults, it does make some good points, such as the new craze in Commiewood, with celebrities "buying" black kids like so many toys for their dogs to play with. Funny, how you don't see black "celebrities" doing this.
I guess there always those who abuse their freedoms and rights or try to push the envelope of good-taste and social-responsibility to its most extreme.
Let's hear it for capitalism and free enterprise!!!
A virtual environment, no matter how sick, isn't criminal. Besides, it's up to the parents to protect their kids from that filth, I have a nice who's 7, she would never get caught playing such a sick game because her parents monitor her internet use. Yet some parents expect the state to protect their kids, it's ridiculous.
"Let's hear it for capitalism and free enterprise!!!"
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"How about an apocalyptic asteroid hitting the earth?"
Hows about a 5 pound, bloody hemorrhoid hitting your face?
What children and adults alike play at often mirrors the real world. This game, though being of extremely poor taste, does have a ring of truth to it. So sad, but so true.
There is something seriously wrong with targeting young children with the implied message that being someone else's sexualized fashion accessory is all good and normal. That is not just a harmless white lie. For adults old enough to recognize this as satire, they aren't likely to mistake it for normalcy. This is clearly something that ought to be restricted to adults only, not targeted at impressionable children.
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