Monday, July 06, 2009

Kentucky: Raising funds for Blacks only is not racist, apparently

But raising funds for whites only would be, of course
"Unless there is something more to the story, a former elementary school teacher who was reprimanded for refusing to serve as a fund-raising director in a United Negro College Fund campaign has a legitimate complaint.

According to a suit filed by Gary Sanders, he was reprimanded by Stopher Elementary principal Brigitte Owens over questioning public support for a "racially based organization." The suit also says Mr. Sanders refused a request to serve as a leader in a Fund for the Arts money-raising drive. The official reprimand says Mr. Owens was punished for failing to respond appropriately to questions regarding whether he would serve as a Fund for the Arts fund drive official. Apparently he replied that he (1) wouldn't answer in public and (2) felt uncomfortable answering with other folks around. Instead, he sent the principal an e-mail.

Assistant Superintendent Carolyn Meredith said he could have answered yes or no, and was being disciplined for "disrespectful behavior."

Putting employees on the spot in front of other people is just wrong. Jeopardizing a teacher's license over something like this is even worse. How did all of this rise to the level of a court case? Why didn't somebody resolve it before the stakes were raised this high?



Anonymous said...

It's simply the Left doing what it always does, using force and intimidation to make people comply with their political ideology. That is, until Mr. Sanders lawyers show up. Then we'll see the usual about face. The best lesson Mr. Sanders can teach these fascists is to attack their pockets, ($$$) big time!

Anonymous said...

Are there White counterparts to the linked organizations?

Is there a National White caucus in congress?

Are there organizations dedicated solely to the advancement of Whites?

Is there a White Entertainment Televison network on cable as there is BET?

In NYC, the NYPD has an organization called, "100 Blacks In Law Enforcement." It's made up of black police officers who are political activists. Three years ago, a White officer started an organization called, "100 Whites in Law Enforcement." He was fired and accused of being a racist!

Anonymous said...

Are there any white members of the Congressional Black Caucus? I heard a possibly apocryphal story of a white congressman who represented a largely black district being turned down.

Anonymous said...

Why is the education bureaucracy being used to 'assign' people to charities? It seems like the focus should be on teaching children. Instead they are fighting about charitable work that is not voluntary apparently.

Anonymous said...

Teaching children in our public schools stopped being a priority a long, long, time ago. Now, it's all about indoctrination.