Thursday, July 09, 2009

Climate change laws to "de-energize" poor Australians

We read:
"Politically correct zealots penning new national energy laws have pulled the plug on the word "disconnection". The word is being replaced with the bizarre term "de-energisation". Angry consumer groups have accused the boffins behind the draft of making it easier for power companies to hide harsh treatment of customers struggling to pay their bills.

Consumer Action Law Centre policy director Nicole Rich said the bureaucrats were out of touch and should go back to the drawing board. "This is more than political correctness gone mad," she said. "It's worse, because it could have the effect of keeping the community in the dark about hardship problems by lumping in records of these disconnections with power being cut for maintenance and safety reasons."

The warning comes as households and businesses brace for higher electricity bills because of policies to combat climate change.

A team of state and territory bureaucrats wrote the draft of the National Energy Customer Framework, which notes: "De-energisation of premises means the deactivating or closing of a connection in order to prevent the flow of energy from a distribution system at the supply point".

Ms Rich said there was a distinct difference between power shutdowns for maintenance, or when customers moved house, and supply cuts to those battling with bills. Critics fear the national laws will also strip Victorians of protections such as bans on late payment fees, security deposit restrictions and compensation of $250 a day for wrongful disconnections. But the Herald Sun believes Victoria will not sign the laws unless key consumer protections are retained.

Ms Rich said the number of Victorians disconnected for not paying had dropped to the nation's lowest rate, about 6500 a year, since a renewed focus on repayment plans and hardship policies from 2004. Federal Energy Minister Martin Ferguson's office said the document was an early draft, and more consultations would be held.



Anonymous said...

Ahh, one of the Left's favorite tricks. If one of their scams isn't getting over on the masses, simply change the name.

Global warming = climate change.
Socialized medicine = universal healthcare.
Weak, brain-dead morons = voters.

Stan B said...

They're going to need a whole bevvy of bureaucratic lingo under Climate Change legislation to describe the various reasons for "de-energization."

"Periodic Overdraft Restriction Enforcement" - where they cut you off after you have used your daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly allotted Kilowatt hours.

"Continuing Overdraft Restriction Enforcement" - when you go over your lifetime allotted Kilowatt hours.

"Economics Induced De-energization" - when you can't pay the exorbitantly higher rates caused by Green Legislation.

"Peak Usage Reduction Enforcement" - when they intentionally black out homes, blocks, and entire subdivisions, etc. on hot days because everyone is using their air-conditioner, and there isn't enough power to go around.

"Reduced Air-Speed Grid Load Reduction Enforcement" - for those cold days when the wind doesn't blow, and they have to take identical actions to "Peak Usage Reduction Enforcement" above because they've tried to use windmills to provide energy in favor of reliable coal and natural gas.

I could go on....but I think you get the point.....