Wednesday, August 06, 2008

British government bans the word 'obese' to describe overweight children

How confused can you get? They want to harass kids into losing weight but don't want to hurt their feelings. What do they think the kids feel about being told that their weight is unacceptable?
"Parents of primary schoolchildren will start getting letters next month telling them how fat their children are under Government plans to tackle childhood obesity. But however much they weigh, no child will ever be described as "obese".

The Department of Health faced criticism yesterday for a "prissy" approach to tackling obesity after it said that it did not want the term "obese" included in the letters.

The department said that research had shown that the term was a turn-off, so instead it will use the term "very overweight" for those children whose body mass index exceeds 30, in an attempt to enlist parents' support.



Anonymous said...

So, les us see how this works...

First your fat, then that becomes, for lack of a better word, hurtful.

Then, your called obese to be kinder about it. Now I guess thatis hurtful.

Now they want to say extremely overweight? How long until that is hurtful and derogetory?

How about this, before trying to fix all the other personal problems of the world population, let fix the oversensativity issues.

Freedom includes the choice to be offended, No One can hurt your feelings with out your chioce to be hurt.

Remember, sticks and stones can break my bones, but names can never hurt me.

Anonymous said...

How long until they turn around and start to get some sense into them and realise that the current definition of "obese" is set at WAY too low a figure?
When will people realise that we've arrived at a society where kids think they're obese when they're just slightly heavier than an anorexic?

I read a message on a messageboard yesterday of a 15 year old girl, 120lbs, average height, who thought she was obese and needed to loose 20-30lbs to be "healthy".
Has it come to this, a society where you have to be morbidly underweight to not be considered morbidly overweight?

Anonymous said...

"How long until they turn around and start to get some sense into them and realise that the current definition of "obese" is set at WAY too low a figure?"

That's a very good point. The "standard" for obesity was not arrived at by accident. By setting the bar artificially high they can then force the results they want. They being the PC'nazi's!

There's a young girl (18) who lives next door to me. She wears a size 4, (as told to me by her Mom) is thin, but always complaining she's too fat! So in the end, she won't have the weight problem "they" tell her she has, but she will have some serious emotional problems that "they" are not at all interested in.

Anonymous said...

As I understand it the term 'obese' is a medical term with a particular, specific definition.
Using another word to describe someone that meets the medical definition of a health problem is idiotic.
Do they want to start replacing all medical terms with negative connotations??? Cancer will now be know as cellularly challenged???

Anonymous said...

You have just described the destructive virus known as political correctness!