Monday, August 25, 2008

Chicago email controversy

Apparently it is offensive to quote the Prime Minister of Australia! Several senior Australian conservative politicians have indeed said that Muslims should leave if they don't like the way things are done in Australia:
"Sporting a patriotic tie, Frankfort Township assessor Paul Ruff launched his bid for re-election as he charged that recent controversy over an e-mail he forwarded was "manufactured" and "politically motivated."....

In a written statement, Ruff said he receives thousands of e-mails "with provocative thoughts." "As I have done thousands of times, I forwarded the message on my private e-mail account to people I know," the statement read. "This wasn't a hateful e-mail but one that touched upon a sentiment in this county and around the world that immigrants have to adapt to their new homes," it said. "It was not done with any malicious intent, but unfortunately some people have attempted to make it a political issue."

The e-mail, forwarded by Ruff to several in the Mokena/Frankfort area in June, suggested that America follow the sentiments of former Australian prime minister John Howard, who said Muslims who want to live under Sharia law should get out of the country. "Maybe if we circulate this amongst ourselves, American citizens will find the backbone to start speaking and voicing the same truths," the e-mail continued. "If you agree, please send this on."

Ruff refused to comment on the e-mail for weeks. "It really, really makes me mad when a newspaper calls me a racist," he said.



Anonymous said...

It is not racism when you speak the truth. If they come to this country, they will live under our laws. If they want sharia law, they are free to return to their own countries.

Anonymous said...

immigration today = colonization

Anonymous said...

Those shouting "racism" over this should
1) move to Saudi Arabia or Iran and try to hold Christian religiou services
2) check a proper dictionary for the meaning of the word "racism", which is quite clearly not linked to religion in any way whatsoever.

Anonymous said...

In the USA we have one law The Constitution of the USA. The First Amendment to that law protects the people from government under a religion.