Confederate flag still flying -- bigger than ever

We read:
"Despite years of boycotts, schoolyard bans, and banishment from capitol domes, the Southern battle colors are flying, higher than ever. Indeed, the Tampa Confederate Veterans Memorial and its 139-foot flagpole features one of at least four giant "soldier's flags" flying over bumper-to-bumper interstates in Florida and Alabama. With more planned in Tennessee, Georgia, Kentucky, and possibly South Carolina, the interstate show of force, experts say, highlights the potential backlash from banning nostalgic symbols from the public square.
Moreover, the giant flags are also the outward sign of a deeper struggle within the Sons of Confederate Veterans (SCV), a century-old organization historically more likely to hold battlefield reenactments than to stage political warfare.
What effect the flags will have on public perceptions and even tourism intensifies the issue as a political force here in the only part of the country to suffer the humiliation of total defeat.
"The battle flag "is a profound statement ... and the targets of our nerve-getting are the business community, the tourist community and the political community," says Marion Lambert, the Brandon, Fla., beekeeper who spearheaded the Tampa flag monument.
Unlike the flags that were taken down from the capitol domes in Columbia, S.C. and Tallahassee, Fla., these new auto dealer-sized flags - sewn in China - may be legally untouchable. Raised on private property, the Tampa flag was OK'd by county zoning officials and the Federal Aviation Administration.
"It's not going to go away," says Jim Farmer, a history professor at the University of South Carolina at Aiken. "There is a subculture within the white Southern population, of which the SCV is the most visible voice, that feels besieged by modern culture in general, and they identify the Old South and Confederacy as a way of life and a period of time before the siege began to really hit the South."
To Confederate sympathizers, opposition to the flag is misguided. They say the "soldier's flag" represents not slavery, but the valor of Southern men in their lost cause......
Still, it's not clear whether the flag is actually that sensitive a topic. The economic effect of NAACP and NCAA boycotts in South Carolina has been minimal, according to state officials.
More recently, a Florida newspaper poll revealed that few drivers found the Tampa flag offensive, which surprised many officials.
Deo Vindice!
It's America - who cares!
Poor liberals!! Once again they pass crazy assinine ordinances and laws thinking they know what the people think and want. If absolutely everybody in the US were asked if the flag offended them, I bet the majority would say no, and that would include both blacks and whites.
What's truly offensive is that black activists can pick any symbol they like and call it racist and offensive, and get away with it. This flag doesn't represent racism to blacks, it represents a chance to get loads of free govt. money, via "reparations". (see: extortion)
Tens-of-thousands of brave Americans died fighting for that flag. It deserves the same honor and respect as those who fought for it. Remember, at that time in our history, owning servants was the law-of-the-land, as it was in most countries of the world. And had the South won, that flag would now be our national symbol! It should not to be used as a tool in some phony shake-down scheme!
And no, i'm not a Southener.
history is written by the victors
That's true, but lest we forget.
The confederate flag is offensive to some people because some white racists choose to salute it. But it should be offensive to all Americans today because it was saluted by those who took up arms against the United States of America. Instead of feeling pride for some shameful "heritage" we should celebrate the nation we have become and still aspire to be.
anonymous said,
"history is written by the victors"
True, however the left apparently has no problem in re-writing it, regardless of its actual truth.
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