Pictures of puppies now banned?

Muslims in Scotland are demanding it:
"A postcard featuring a cute puppy sitting in a policeman's hat advertising a Scottish police force's new telephone number has sparked outrage from Muslims.
Tayside Police's new non-emergency phone number has prompted complaints from members of the Islamic community.
The choice of image on the Tayside Police cards - a black dog sitting in a police officer's hat - has now been raised with Chief Constable John Vine.
The advert has upset Muslims because dogs are considered ritually unclean and has sparked such anger that some shopkeepers in Dundee have refused to display the advert....
A spokesman for Tayside Police said: 'Trainee police dog Rebel has proved extremely popular with children and adults since being introduced to the public, aged six weeks old, as Tayside Police's newest canine recruit. 'His incredible world-wide popularity - he has attracted record visitor numbers to our website - led us to believe Rebel could play a starring role in the promotion of our non-emergency number.
'We did not seek advice from the force's diversity adviser prior to publishing and distributing the postcards. That was an oversight and we apologise for any offence caused.'
The lines of Rule Britania come to mind. "Britians never, never, never will be slaves." They should probably replace that line because they have ruined a country that I loved by caving to this garbage. If you don't like dogs, stay out of the west Mohammed!
was the dog's name Mohammed?
The reason they don't like dogs is that they can be trained to sniff bombs.
Once again we see the result of political correctness. We see a "once-great" nation and a people becoming weak-minded slaves, thanks to their liberal/socialist ideology. Weakness is the fuel that drives radical Islam/terrorism!
I got a dog wrapped in pork skin and marinated with red wine for all of you members of the death cult of no peace.
It's truly sad to see this once great country dying by it's own weakness and stupidity. It won't be long before the Brits start paying the price for allowing themselves to become nothing more than another muslim outpost. But then, the Brits have never been known for strength, have they.
When something like HIV becomes airborne and it's vaccine is made with pig antibodies, I have a sneaking suspicion that Jews will use it, understanding that it's an extract from bacteria engineered to produce the antibody, but radical Koranites will spurn it, leaving behind many fewer radical ones too.
What, for that matter is "ritual" cleaness? What ritual? Eating isn't a ritual. Bestiality, then! If so, then it makes perfect since because dogs and pigs can carry develop many more human vector illnesses than goats or camels. Other details of how small dogs and young cuddly pigs are easier to train to be sex slaves than other animals I will leave to the imagination.
I did not get it. The police did not send dogs to muslims (this may have been insulting). They sent a piece of paper. A piece of paper can not be "ritually unclean" even if it depicts a dog. I don't understand what muslims are complaining about. if they don't like the picture, they don't have to use it in their rituals, so what exactly is their problem?
maybe a picture of a bomb would have got the approval of the religion of the perpetually offended.
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