Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Hate speech against the Catholic church

We read:
"A San Francisco city and county board resolution that officially labeled the Catholic church's moral teachings on homosexuality as "insulting to all San Franciscans," "hateful," "defamatory," "insensitive" and "ignorant" will be challenged tomorrow in court for violating the Constitution's prohibition of government hostility toward religion.



Anonymous said...

What San Francisco's "ultra-socialist" mayor Newsom is saying (via his hacks) is that SF is "officially" an openly gay city, which everyone already knows. I wonder if he would use those same adjectives with other religions who also believe homosexuality is wrong. Apparently, sexual freedom exists in SF, but not religious freedom, another fact everyone is aware of.

I also wonder what comrade Newsom would say if he knew that the millions of illegal Mexicans who call SF home, the one's he's openly invited there, "strongly" believe homosexuality is wrong. Would he then enforce federal law and send them all back to their own country?

Anonymous said...

ok SF needs to treat Islam the same way...that ought to be fun

Anonymous said...

Not to put too fine a point on things but the US Constitution has no prohibition against governmental hostility against religion. They are free to --say-- what they want, it's only when they try to turn their words into actions that the Constitution comes into play.

Again, I have no problem with letting those who hate spewing their venom through their speech, because that lets me know where they stand. Oddly enough it's when you silence their speech is when the haters can silently slip into positions they should never be allowed to take. One of these days the decent people still left in SF will decide enough is enough and take back their city from these haters.

Anonymous said...

Hey, we Protestants also believe homosexuality is an abomination. Can't we also be accused of being "insulting to all San Franciscans", of being "hateful", defamatory, "insensitivity", and "ignorant"(well, maybe not ignorant)? We believe that you reap what you sow; but you can be forgiven If you are sincere in asking for forgiveness. Oh, we also pray that the poor misguided people in "The City" will eventually find their way to the Lord and that they may in fact be forgiven. God Bless You all.

Anonymous said...

Pray that you'll be forgiven before you self-righteously pray that others are forgiven, like the Pharisees Christ criticized for acting "holier-than-thou"! In short, concentrate on your own salvation and let others work out their own.

Anonymous said...

Wow - someone touched a sore point there, didn't they, seventh annon? No one said that the sixth annon didn't pray for his/her own forgiveness. And the sixth annon also said that they pray for the people of the city to find their way to the Lord and in that way ask for their own forgiveness. Try reading what was written before you jump all over someone! If you choose not to believe, then what does it hurt you to have someone pray for you? Why do people get so worked up about anyone praying for anyone else? If God is not real - no harm no foul - it's just a waste of energy. But if, as I believe, God is real, then maybe that prayer will do some good.

Anonymous said...

Is God swayed by human prayers? - Is God so indecisive and waits for human "suggestions" - all sounds a bit anthropomorphic like appealing to a feudal lord.

I think that other anon (7th?) was basically meaning you should mind your own business.

Anonymous said...

Most people's prayers seem nothing more than begging for favors as though God/Jesus/Mary/or some other saint were just divine Santa Clauses!