Monday, July 21, 2008

No separation of Mosque and state?

We read:
"I bring you today’s version of “ACLU Hypocrisy in Action.” It seems the State Department is selling calenders that feature “the mosques of America.” If the State Department sold a calender of the “Churches of America” how fast do you think the ACLU would be up in their grill about the mythical separation clause? Faster than the French surrendering is my guess.



Anonymous said...

maybe they are identifying targets

Anonymous said...

This means the State Dept. is using my tax money to produce this crap. Why haven't we heard any complaints from the atheists? Oh i see, it's not about Christians.

Anonymous said...

Funny thing Snorpy,

Can't access the "Gates of Vienna" posting and when I try to Yahoo "Mosques of America" calender I get some sites but can't seem to zero in on them.

Could the government be blocking them?

In the land of the free and the home of the brave?