Friday, August 24, 2007

Severe Limits on Speech in Canada

There is a recent summary from a legal source here of Canadian speech law. It is amazingly restrictive. Canada's constitutional provisions protecting free speech are arguably stronger than the U.S. 1st Amendment but Canadian courts have been even more scornful of their constitution than SCOTUS has been of the U.S. constitution. One of the legal provisions that the Canadian courts permit is quite amazing:

Section 13 of the Canadian Human Rights Act prohibits the communication, including the Internet, of messages that are likely to expose a person to hatred or contempt.

And you thought hatred was loosely defined! In Canada just contempt is illegal. And it doesn't have to be actual contempt either. It can be just "likely" to cause contempt. And it does not even have to affect some group. It may even affect just "a person". Almost any negative utterance at all would seem to be covered.

So if I say (and I do) that Canadians are deeply Fascist as judged by their speech laws, I am sure that I am likely to cause some Canadian to be regarded with contempt by that. I imagine that quite a lot of my readers will feel contempt for Canada after reading this, in fact. So I have clearly broken Canadian law.

They might have a job extraditing me from Australia, though. This post would not be illegal in Australia. One has to feel rather sorry for the muzzled people of the icy North.

But we all know that they will not bother me for speaking ill of Canada. It is certain privileged groups that they work for, not Canadians as a whole. So let me speak some forbidden truth about one of those extra-special groups: Homosexuals are abnormal and deviant and are doomed to shorter lives by the adverse health effects of their typical practices. They are a biological futility and dead-end. Let the Canadian Schutz Staffeln chew on that one!