Thursday, August 02, 2007

Anti-illegal-Immigration Minutemen are "Nazis"

A fevered Washington State "human rights" honcho is out of real arguments so abuse and accusation has to do:

"It is sad to see that the Minutemen and similar groups have succumbed to using hate propaganda to undermine basic tenants of American democracy - opportunity and tolerance....

Unfortunately, it seems like the Minutemen have made progress in some of our communities, including in Everett. The Minutemen rely on the use of hateful speech, the Big Lie, and fear of people who are different to corrupt and coarsen political dialogue, just as their Nazi forebears did.

The so-called Minutemen, like their former fellow traveler Tim McVey, are precursors to domestic terrorism and vigilantism. The federal government is charged with enforcing the immigration laws of the United States. Let the federal government do its job, without "assistance" from gun-toting, self-appointed know-nothings.


It's pretty clear who is uttering the hate speech there. As Larry Simoneaux comments:

"Really? Have the Minutemen offered a "Final Solution" to the problem of illegal immigrants? Is it in any way similar to what SS Lieutenant General Reinhard Heydrich proposed in the Wannsee Protocols?

Have the Minutemen called for the establishment of places like Aushwitz, Bergen-Belsen, Birkenau, Buchenwald, Dachau, Majdanek, Mauthausen, Sobibor, or Treblinka?

Have the Minutemen called for the wholesale death of illegal immigrants? Have they called for the killing of mothers and children, fathers and sons, the sick and the old? Have they experimented with various poisonous gases? Have they suggested that "bath houses" be built in close proximity to ovens?

Does the term "Nazi" also apply to those who say that the influx of illegal aliens needs to be stopped immediately, our borders secured, and a hard look be taken at those who are here to determine what would be best for the nation? Does it apply to those who argue that what our "representatives" in D.C. have allowed to happen is both disgraceful and outrageous?


The name of the "human rights" wacko is Marc Brenman. The surname means "burning man" -- which is amusing given my diagnoss of fever in him.