The Opus Falwell cartoon above:
"A popular comic strip that poked fun at the Rev. Jerry Falwell without incident one week ago was deemed too controversial to run over the weekend because this time it took a humorous swipe at Muslim fundamentalists....
Sources told FOXNews.com that the strips were shown to Muslim staffers at The Washington Post to gauge their reaction, and they responded "emotionally" to the depiction of a woman dressed in traditional Muslim garb and espousing conservative Islamic views.
Lago said she flagged some of the syndicate's newspaper clients for two reasons: because of the possibility that the jokes about Islam would be misconstrued and because of the sexual innuendo in the punchline.
As far as whether the Post and the Post Writers Group syndicate treated content about conservative Christians differently than it did content about conservative Muslims, it certainly could be taken that way. "It appears on the surface to be a double standard," Burford said, "but at the same time, the climate of the world probably informs their decision with how to go forward with it."
It is certainly true that the last two frames of the Muslim toon constitute a sexual "innuendo" (indirect reference) but there is any amount of much more direct references to sex in the media, and government schools even push porn onto kids these days -- so identifying those two frames as a problem is a blatant attempt at deception. It was clearly fear of Muslim irrationality that was the sole and only problem.
And that Christians are NOT to be feared is why the Falwell toon was not seen as a problem. All of which shows that even those who preach it don't believe the Leftist lie that Islamists and Christians are equally dangerous