Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Canadian Homosexuality Critic in Court

In Canada, it is safer to advocate Islamic barbarism than it is to criticise homosexuality:

"Under "hate-crimes" laws, could pastors risk jail time and big fines for expressing the biblical view of homosexuality? Absolutely. Just ask Stephen Boissoin, a Canadian pastor who wrote a letter in June to the editor of his local newspaper calling the homosexual agenda "wicked."

"From kindergarten class on," he wrote, "our children, your grandchildren are being strategically targeted, psychologically abused and brainwashed by homosexual and pro-homosexual educators."

The letter caught the attention of a human-rights activist at the University of Calgary, who filed a complaint of "hate-mongering" against Boissoin. The professor pointed to the case of a young homosexual who was beaten up two weeks later as evidence that such expressions incite violence.

Boissoin, who said he was just trying to create "spirited debate," now faces charges before the Alberta Human Rights Commission. He could be fined by the commission and referred to a court for criminal proceedings. Canada added "sexual orientation" as a cause for hate-crime prosecution under a new federal law in 2004.


The case will be decided next month. More background here