Friday, August 10, 2007

Gay-bashing is OK if you are a Leftist

That modern-day paragon of Leftism, Daily Kos, has just accused Matt Drudge of being queer. Why? Because Drudge publicized the admitted lawbreaking of Jerome Armstrong, a Kos author. I neither know nor care what Drudge likes to do with his dick (I'd be more interested in what he does with his hat!) but where is that great Leftist "privacy of the bedroom" principle now? If any conservative had said as much, there would be "hate speech" headlines blaring across the country by now.

An excerpt from Kos:

"Matt Drudge is reported to still be cruising Florida gay bars in between sending traffic to his personal friend Breitbart's startup "news wire" in exchange for kickbacks and running goofy pictures of Hillary Clinton..."

Leftists are so full of hate that they just cannot restrain themselves. I gather that Drudge is not an admitted homosexual. Riehl World has a bit of background.