No Free Speech in Canada
Free speech laws exist to protect unpopular speeech or speech that elites disapprove of. There is, however no concept of that in the Union of Soviet Socialist Canada. The reverse applies: You can be put in jail for unpopular speech or speech that elites disapprove of. A current case is that of Canadian Professor Terry Tremaine.
Tremaine makes no secret of his belief that races differ in important ways. He has, for instance, put on the net statements that describe blacks as: "prone to criminality, as violent, basically as equivalent to being mentally disabled". Those are greatly condemned statements in North America today but statistical evidence in support of all of them is readily to be found in the academic literature. But facts and truth don't matter in deciding what you can say about certain legally privileged groups in Canada, of course.
But for making such possibly true statements he has just been raided by the Canadian police and faces 5 years in jail. Details here. There appears to be no allegation that he has incited violence against anybody. He appears to be in the gun merely for expressing his opinion.