Thursday, June 14, 2007

Australian 'Beer boobs' advertisements are a boo-boo

We read:

"Beer ads starring a bikini-clad woman under the title "Hahn boobs" are under fire for offensive sexism.

The state's peak health advisory body, VicHealth, has written to the Advertising Standards Bureau asking for the ads to be shelved.

VicHealth boss Todd Harper said the treatment of women in the ads on television and the internet was appalling.

In the television advertisment promoting low carb beer Hahn Superdry, a young man turns a love heart drawn in the sand by a bikini-wearing woman into a pair of breasts before swigging from a beer bottle.

The internet site, Hahn Boobs, takes the campaign a step further.


It mainly seems to be feminists behind the objections. But feminists never have liked femininity.