Thursday, January 10, 2019

Students urge Oxford University to sack Roman Catholic law professor for 'criticising homosexuality'

Students are demanding Oxford University sacks a Roman Catholic professor for allegedly criticising homosexuality. They claim essays published by John Finnis, 77, emeritus professor of law and legal philosophy, attack same-sex relations and are ‘discriminatory’.

Campaigners say his presence on campus threatens gay people, and a petition demanding his removal from his academic position has 350 backers so far.

However, Oxford has supported his right to academic freedom.

Students claim that the professor attacked homosexuality in essays published in 1994 and 2011.

He is said to have compared it to bestiality, which, he wrote, ‘treats human bodily life, in one of its most intense activities, as appropriately lived as merely animal’.

The essay adds: ‘The deliberate genital coupling of persons of the same sex is repudiated for a very similar reason.’

The petition said his role ‘puts a hugely prejudiced man in a position of authority’. But he told The Oxford Student newspaper: ‘I stand by all these writings. There is not a phobic sentence in them.

‘The 1994 essay promotes a classical and strictly philosophical moral critique of all non-marital sex acts.’

The university said: ‘Vigorous academic debate does not amount to harassment when conducted respectfully and without violating the dignity of others.’



Stan B said...

Give them another year or so, and these carefully considered essays will be "hate speech" because they are based on morally reprehensible teaching sin the Bible concerning sexuality.

Anonymous said...

It seems that college kids today are offended by any words that they disagree with. Can't wait to see what happens IF they get a job and some day get a negative performance review. They will probably sue their boss.

Bill R. said...

So, we have supposedly intelligent college students at one of the world's most prestigious universities whining about a basic tenet of the Roman Catholic Church. (unless the clown in the Vatican has decided to celebrate it this week) To quote Mick Jagger, "You can't always get what you want!"

Anonymous said...

How would the mere presence of a 77 year old man "threaten" anybody?
The only possible ways would be the threat of being confronted with an opinion they don't like, or the existence of a person whose opinion they don't like.
Both of these are the very reasons one goes to University.

Anonymous said...

Why do some students love people with twisted minds ?

Bird of Paradise said...

Keep the Roman/Catholic and let these little snowflakes see what they do with two kissing rainbows in the the middle east Take them to the tops of very tall buildings and throw them off

Anonymous said...

A homosexual convicted of bestiality this week in the UK. The gay marriage debate was nearly hijacked by the "marry your Animal" brigade in the UK too. An academic paper showing incresed levels of Paedophilia in the homosexual community hidden from view. The truth is out there in plain sight,the society will reap the misfortune of not confronting sexual mental illness. The trans lobby is just the next step playing out