Australia: Club owner removes pizza ad after complaints to the Advertising Standards Bureau
The dishy club owner
A STRIP club owner has been forced to remove an advertisement from one of Brisbane’s busiest train stations after the advertising watchdog found it debased women by comparing pizzas to breasts.
Owner of The Grosvenor topless bar and strip club Jasmine Robson was stunned by the decision from the Advertising Standards Bureau who received complaints about the ad.
The poster shows two pizzas with pepperoni clustered in their centres under the words: “Pizzas or Jugs? Grab both for just $25”.
Ms Robson said the ads were displayed in Central Station recently, but were due to be removed yesterday following the ASB’s finding.
“Now I think this is political correctness/censorship gone absolutely mad,” she said.
“I am shocked that the ASB would determine that this ad is exploitative or demeaning to women in any way, especially considering there isn’t even a woman on the billboard.”
In their ruling, the ASB noted the image used in the ad was of a picture of pizzas with “strategically placed pepperoni for the purpose of creating the impression of breasts with pronounced nipples”.
“The Board noted the placement of the pizzas side by side was an element also adding to the suggestion that the pizzas were a depiction of breasts,” they found.
“The Board considered the use of the term pizzas or jugs and noted that the colloquial definition for jugs can include breasts.
The ASB found that the representation of womens’ breasts as pizzas did reduce women to an object which was exploitative by way of purposefully debasing women.
1 comment:
It is hard to imagine any humor that is not offensive to someone.
I've even known someone who was offended by puns.
Perhaps we are on our way to outlawing all humor - into a new Puritan Age. An utterly joyless age.
The true bottom line is that there is huge POWER to be had in being offended - Heaven for petty bullies!
If I am offended by what someone says then I get the great joy of pushing that offending person around, making them grovel, because - clearly - if I am offended that clearly must make me a morally superior person.
That, unfortunately, is the new thinking in an age which empowers the most odious buffoons on the internet. Self-entitled power combined with self-righteousness -- the combination that made the Inquisition the so very detestable.
"Nearly all [people] can stand adversity, but if you want to test a [person's] character, give [zem] power. -- Abraham Lincoln
(Did you notice how I proved myself morally superior to you by correcting the above quote? Even if I am a complete idiot, that correction definately proves I am morally superior to you!)
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