Sunday, August 27, 2017

More fake hate speech

Betrayed by something very peculiar indeed

A member of Hawaii’s state House of Representatives, Fukumoto’s public saga began in January when she was removed from her position as House Minority Leader after participating in the radical anti-Trump “Women’s March,” which tied to several convicted terrorists.

Several weeks after her colleagues voted her out, Fukumoto publicly resigned from the Republican Party on March 22, claiming “I saw members of my party marginalizing and condemning minorities” and the GOP was infested with “elements of racism and sexism within the base.”

Then, on Aug. 16, Fukumoto posted to Twitter a letter she claimed to have received from a Trump supporter.

The typewritten letter mocks Fukumoto’s Japanese heritage, specifically citing her Japanese-American father, and goes on to claim “We Trump people hate illegals, black thugs, Muslims and bombs, and gays…”

But something about the letter was odd. Some of it was the wording, which reads like a liberal doing an impression of a conservative. The writer also uses ellipses after many sentences, something Fukumoto herself does in online writings.

But Twitter user @ThomasWictor, one of those people with extensive knowledge of arcane subjects, noted something damning.

The stamps.

For one, the stamps used to mail the letter were not marked by the Postal Service, indicating the letter may never have been mailed.

It’s the same mistake that race hoaxer Rachel Dolezal made when she sent fake hate letters to herself.

But the stamps themselves are unusual.  They are 10-cent stamps, printed in 1975 to commemorate the Postal Service.

Who has unused 42-year-old stamps?  Specifically, who would have collectors stamps commemorating the Postal Service?

Fukumoto’s biography notes her father “recently retired from the Post Office after 46 years of service.”

Seeing as virtually every publicly-paraded “hate crime” turns out to be a hoax intended to get attention, is Beth Fukumoto now faking hate mail to herself?



Bird of Paradise said...

Just another sorry and pathetic little liberal snowflake who fakes a so called hate crime She needs to Grow Up and Climb out of the playpen

Anonymous said...

BOP - You're too thin-skinned. I wasn't talking about you, I agreed with you and noted that she as in the "she" of the story we are commenting on had to be committing a hate crime to do what she did.