Intolerance in the name of tolerance
The modern day Left preach tolerance but are totally intolerant of anybody who disagrees with them
College classrooms ring with claims of hate speech for anything that isn’t in line with a particular way of thinking.
Ironically, those who scream intolerance are, themselves, being intolerant. If it is noble to tolerate diversity, shouldn’t those who laud such tolerance be at the forefront of defending those who disagree with them?
It is possible to disagree with a religion, political perspective, or public policy without being racist, sexist, or a hater. Disagreeing isn’t inherently hateful. If that were so, then those who disagreed with those accused of hate speech would by definition be committing the very act of hate being denounced. Nobody could disagree with anything.
Regularly since President Obama’s election eight years ago nearly anyone voicing an opinion different than that of the President, was labeled racist. In the most recent election, those who opposed Hillary Clinton were branded as sexist. Even career journalist Cokie Roberts claimed that Hillary’s defeat was “reflective of a strong sentiment about not having a woman president.” Are Clinton supporters “haters” because they disagree with Trump? I would hope not.
Even counselors and psychologists who pride themselves on tolerance and sensitivity are not immune to this goofy bandwagon effect. While attending the American Counseling Association’s annual conference a few years ago, I was in a workshop on diversity. The workshop was led by a gay man who led the group of 75 or so participants in a 3-hour session making fun of Christians. It wasn’t his intent, but that is what happened.
While allegedly presenting on how faux “therapies” have been promoted by people of faith, the group participants were openly laughing at and making fun of people of faith. While I actually agreed with the facts that were being presented, as a person of faith I have never felt more uncomfortable in my life. These well-intentioned counselors, many of whom were LGBT, were doing the very thing they were condemning.
Tolerance has been elevated to a religion and has come to mean that anything goes – as long as it doesn’t violate some politically correct perspective. In other words, tolerance means “think like me” – the very thing it was a reaction against.
I suspect historians of the future will look back at this era and chuckle at the obvious contradiction. Intentions were good, they will note, but in the attempt to battle the clear intolerance of their past, they created an environment where those with the power to require tolerance didn’t practice it themselves.
I am not tolerant of murderers, rapists, robbers, thieves, spouse abusers, drunks, drug addicts, and other anti-social people.
Actually talked to a liberal friend who said he wasn't aware of any belief that Liberals are more "tolerant" than anyone else. It was almost like he was saying "yeah, we're hypocrites, so what?"
It would be easy to pile on and add to the Democrats are intolerant crowd but I suspect we are seeing only part of the whole, a vocal part but still only a part. I do recall a large number of people screaming not my President when BO was elected while I was being cautiously and hopefully optimistic that he could at least put away the last of the racial tensions.
That I was disappointed at first then outraged entirely by his non-ending escalation of racial tensions is hindsight. I did want him to have some successes but not the ones he chose to pursue, I am still gobsmacked that people re-elected him after his dismal first term as I have also been astounded that so many people would vote for such an obvious criminal like Hillary.
Anonymous Bird of Paradise said...
I dont care for all this PC nonsnese like replacing BD and AD with BCE(Before Common Era)and CE(Common Era).
Just turn this around on them and tell them that BCE actually means "Before Christian Era" and CE means "Christian Era".
Anon 5:23 Please wake up and smell the coffee of PC stupidity
"I am not tolerant of murderers, rapists, robbers, thieves, spouse abusers, drunks, drug addicts, and other anti-social people."
You mean the rethuglican members of congress?
Anon 11:31 - No, it's obvious he's talking about Dumbassoccrats. (Response at your level).
Anon 11:31 Please go get your head examned you got some screws that are coming loose please get them tightened
Flu, learn to spell, asswipe. You sir, are a failure of our education system.
Not Evil 4:49am doesn't read international news or travel very much. Perhaps he is obsessed with the violence of the left.
Anon 1:29 I hope santa has a big lump of coal for you you screwball
Why am I a "screwball" for pointing out one's mistakes?
Not Evil - posted an extremely hateful message and yet claims via his name to not be evil. Typical leftist, has no clue what evil is despite living it all day.
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