Racist, culturally insensitive : High school girls basketball team under fire over poster

A high school girls basketball team has been criticised over a poster promoting their upcoming season. Featuring the girls of the 2016 Clarke basketball team wearing headdresses and war paint, the poster has since been described as 'racist' and 'culturally incorrect'.
According to KCCI, no members of the basketball team are Native American.
Based in Southern Iowa, Vicky Apala-Cuevas of the Oglala Lakota tribe told KCCI that "everything" shown on the poster was culturally incorrect, and painful to look at. "Everything that I saw on the poster does not in any manner depict Native American women and that's the sad part," Apala-Cuevas said. "Our women are very beautiful and to be respected."
She said the way the basketball players were dressed was "culturally insensitive."
Community members and parents of the players have since defended the poster.
Arminda Cosner, a mother of one team member, defended the poster. "These girls are representing being ready for the season to come up, being ready and even nowadays it's an empowering message for women all over and these young women are doing it," said Ms Cosner.
Community members and parents of the players said the poster is meant to show how proud they are to be Clarke Indians.
"These girls are representing being ready for the season to come up, being ready and even nowadays it's an empowering message for women all over and these young women are doing it," said Arminda Cosner, who has a daughter on the team.
These lamebrain critics seem unable to admit that these Indian themes are meant to CELEBRATE the strong qualities of American Indians
Old news but who really cares? Cultural appropriation? No more than Indian reservations having poker machines. Did they disrespect native Americans? No I don't think so, at least no intentionally since you never can tell with the victim mentality these days. Should they be punished? Hell no, they should be support and it's time for society to move on. Native Americans should get behind these girls and move into mainstream USA rather than live on the fringe. There is so much they can contribute to society without losing their identity which should be preserved. Perhaps the situation with black African-Americans is deterring them from participating in their future.
The whiners should build a bridge and get over it already.
The lefties are the racists. They try to ban "cultural appropriation" that promotes minority cultures.
Silly silly liberal snowflakes always making mountians out of mole hills when something offends their delicate little snowflakes they want it banned from america becuase it makes them cry
If liberals want to see the real face of intollerence they need to just look into a mirror
"everything shown on the poster was culturally incorrect, and painful to look at. "Everything that I saw on the poster does not in any manner depict Native American women"
If that is true, then they weren't "appropriating" any culture, no more than dressing as a Zombie.
Sounds like you're describing "native" Australians there Anon 3:33.
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