An incorrect hat
The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission is looking into whether wearing a depiction of the Gadsden flag to work should be considered racial harassment after a black employee at a privately owned business filed a complaint with the federal agency more than two years ago.
The complaint was filed by the black worker in January 2014 after he said one of his coworkers wore a hat depicting a coiled snake with the words “don’t tread on me” repeatedly since the fall of 2013. The complainant did not allege, however, that the employee wearing the hat ever said anything racist to him, the Daily Caller reported.
The complainant said that he made his concern known to his bosses, who then asked the employee to stop wearing the hat. The worker in question kept wearing the hat, however, resulting in the offended employee filing a formal complaint with the EEOC, which oversees issues of discrimination in the workplace.
The agency’s investigation into the matter is ongoing. A representative for the EEOC did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
More acts of stupidity by a liberal goverment agency and the EEOC is just one of them and now the Glasden Flag is racsists in the walnut sized brains of whining liberals just wait until they do it with Old Glory or the Eagle,Lady Liberty or Uncle Sam frankly the EEOC as well as the EPA and DHS need to be totaly abolished
The cited article is wrong in that the EEOC is not investigating this.
The US Postal Service initially dismissed the claim saying the claimant had not stated a cognizable claim. The EEOC said the claim was cognizable and returned the claim for investigation to the USPS.
This is a procedural issue and not one where the EEOC has made a determination at all.
The real question is not the racism, but whether the USPS, a Federal agency, can stop people from making political speech on the premise. If people can, then the Gasden flag has to be allowed otherwise people could make the claim that "Hillary" or "Trump" buttons need to be banned as well.
The issue is really whether the government can ban on its property specific political speech - even if someone finds that speech "offensive."
I draw the line here, I just went online to order one in protest.
7:47 AM - yes, yet it was okay for KKK Byrd to continue on with the Democrat Party for many years.
I just saw a video this week of a college professor having a discussion with Stefan Molyneux. The professor gives his students tests to find out what they've been taught. Here's what he had to say that I think applies here:
"And this has been true for seven consecutive years - the vast majority of my students, I'm talking like nine out of ten in every single class, 28, 29 out of 30 kids - they have no idea that slavery existed anywhere in the world before the United States. And I've got Christian kids, I've got Jewish kids. Moses, Pharoh, none of that. They have none of it. They are a hundred percent convinced that slavery is a uniquely American invention and that with the Emancipation Proclamation slavery ended worldwide. They're convinced of this."
If that's true, that means that saying anything positive about America, even displaying something absolutely freedom oriented like the Gadsden flag, is equal to supporting slavery in their minds.
It's messed up. But given what passes for "knowledge" among the products of our government schools, that seems to make some sort of twisted sense of this complaint.
Anon 11:57,
Well, I am not much for the "they did it too" defense, but I understand your point.
The question was asked as to why the Gasden flag was thought to have "racist" connotations and I answered the question.
That doesn't mean that I agree that the Gasden flag has any racial undertones to it, but the issues I mentioned are what is being put forth as the reasons.
May the rattlesnake bury its venomous fangs into the leg of the demcratic donkey let it crawl off and die and be food for the buzzards
"And this has been true for seven consecutive years - the vast majority of my students, I'm talking like nine out of ten in every single class, 28, 29 out of 30 kids - they have no idea that slavery existed anywhere in the world before the United States. And I've got Christian kids, I've got Jewish kids. Moses, Pharoh, none of that. They have none of it. They are a hundred percent convinced that slavery is a uniquely American invention and that with the Emancipation Proclamation slavery ended worldwide. They're convinced of this."
I can imagine that is so. And it is a sad thing that your youth are so falsely educated.
Are they not even taught about the Southern Americas? - the incredible importation of slaves into Brazil for instance.
The flag and any "racist", "white supremacist", or "political" connotations it has is just the red herring. Progressives want to overturn free speech and limit it to the dialog and narrative they dictate. The supreme court ruled that "passive" political speech was protected in government jobs but that you could not actively promote a political agenda on government time or with government funds. This stopped the progressives from arbitrarily sanctioning government employees or government contractors from wearing a republican or NRA pin (they never sanctioned for progressive organizations like the national organization for women, naacp, union stickers, or sierra club). Wearing a "Trump" pin is still outlawed because that is avocation in an election cycle but wearing it after he is elected is not. Since that court ruling progressives have been attempting to stifle the passive speech with attempts such as this attack on a tea party symbol the GADSDEN Flag.
Anon 8:30 Yeah many of these students could'nt find their own home town on a state or road map and could not reconize the founding fathers becuase of the liberal written text books
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