Big boots disrespected
"Slag" is British slang for a promiscuous or disreputable woman. "Wellies" are gum-boots
A coffee shop in East London has provoked outrage after banning Ugg boots and referring to them as "slag wellies".
Brick Lane Coffee in Shoreditch, East London, slated the popular Australian brand on a chalkboard outside its shop earlier this week, with the message: 'Sorry no Uggs (slag wellies)'.
The chalk board, which stated that people in Ugg boots were banned from the coffee shop, caught the eye of pedestrians who accused the café of sexism
Passers-by who spotted the sign took to social media to vent their outrage. Lily Potkin took the coffee shop to task over their sign on Twitter, asking why they felt the need to refer to women as slags
Meanwhile, another Twitter user Morwenna Jones announced that she would be boycotting the shop.
'Genuinely one of my favourite coffee shops. Until this,' she posted. 'Refuse to explain AGAIN why it's not OK to call women slags.'
The independent retailer was unapologetic about the latest row. In a statement, a spokeswoman said: 'Our sign does not mention women; Uggs are unisex. 'Making a "sexist" issue out of it is over the top when there are much more important things to be outraged about.
'This criticism is a lot less than the support we get. Our shop is full of happy customers. 'All this kind of faux outrage does is give us further publicity.'
Some people have no sense of what they are saying or writing.
If there are more important issues to outraged about than UGG boots then why are the outraged about UGG boots? UGG boots are not cheap so their rhetoric is off centre to start with. Is one of their staff a Kiwi with a sheep fetish?
I think the shop's response was magnificent.
"Slag Wellies"
That's so funny.
Sounds just like another weird marketing ploy to get publicity.
Anyone for a few rounds of THESE BOOTS by NANCY SINATRA?
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