CO: Must not mention black genetics
Sparks flew between two legislators when one accused the other of making racially insensitive comments about minorities and the infant mortality rate during a meeting Wednesday.
The heated exchange occurred during a meeting of the Economic Opportunity and Poverty Reduction Task Force when Republican state Sen. Vicki Marble addressed health issues among African Americans.
"When you look at life expectancy, there's certain problems in the black race," said Marble, who is white. "Sickle cell anemia is something that comes up. Diabetes is something that is prevalent in the genetic makeup. Although I gotta say, I've never had better BBQ and better chicken and ate better in my life then when you go down South, I mean, I love it. Everybody loves it," Marble said.
Marble went on to blame government regulation for the demise of manufacturing jobs in the U.S., which she said harmed minorities by killing jobs and led some to lives of crime, hopelessness and addiction.
"If we would get a few things back in their lives, like a job, religion and family, and understand your genetic predisposition to certain diseases, and give them the responsibility to take care of themselves," Marble said, minorities would benefit.
Democratic state Rep. Rhonda Fields, who is black, responded by saying that Marble's statements were offensive and stereotypical.
Marble said her comments were taken out of context., adding there is nothing wrong with what she said. "My comments were not meant to be disparaging to any community," Marble said in a written statement. "I am saddened they were taken in that regard."
If any "race" or "minority" is too dumb to recognize a problem and adapt accordingly, then Natural Selection (whether biological, social or economic-based) will settle the matter eventually.
@2:17 - evilution is a false "science". The Holy Bible says so. God put black and brown skinned people on earth to test the white faithful.
And where in the Bible does it say so?
Instead of being offended, refute with facts. Don't have any? Then perhaps you should not be offended.
2:17 : according to the Bible that you reference, all people today descend from just a few members of just one family on Noah's Ark, which was only a few thousand years ago, so today's human gene pool must be extremely small; and if all these black, brown, white and other (colored) races exist today, there must have been some form of Natural Selection and Evolution going on!
The last post was addressed to "Bob" @ 3:02, and obviously not meant for 2:17 who he was replying to.
Talk about incest, if all humanity today descends from just Noah's small family, not to mention from just two people named Adam and Eve.
Hey Use the Name, Luke, where are you? Aren't you going to backup your kindred spirit, "Bob" @3:02?
@2:11 - don't you know that God approves of incest. He let it happen after all.
Yes 2:17, according to the Bible God/Jahweh approves not only of incest, but also of genocide, slavery, human sacrifices, and punishment by stoning to death for such sins as "working" on the Sabbath, and various sexually-related "activities". No wonder this god was one to be feared!
@2:14 Perhaps "Luke" and "Bob" are one and the same source. It might account for a lot!
Anon it again, you missed some bits. Just because He permits people to indulge their lusts and sin, does not mean He approves or that He will not require a reckoning. He permits it temporarily so as to demonstrate fallen human nature, as contrast against His own perfect righteous Divine nature. Further, this setting provides the perfect backdrop for Grace...unmerited favour and mercy. Either way, the time is coming where even you will voluntarily kneel before Him and declare His glory and righteousness. Will this be a good thing for you because you're praising and thanking Him for being gracious to you, or all the more bitter because you merely confirm the justice of your own sentence? Wake up and see what peril you are in, instead of judging God. Go back and study His word and leave off the cheap shots. You'd better begin fearing Him, the sooner the better. Do you not realise every breath you take is a gift from Him? Spend your remaining ones wisely, you don't know how many you have left.
Stefan said: Spend your remaining ones wisely, you don't know how many you have left.
Knock off your veiled threats.
It is no secret that black people have higher infant mortality rates, lower education achievement, lower life expectancy, higher incarceration and basically worse indicators on pretty much every statistic out there that white people.
The problem is not facing up to this and addressing it - not merely pointing it out.
science even says we came from a single man and single woman. fact.
@2:12 - not quite right. You were hatched from an egg fertilized by a lounge lizard.
2:12 I think you are confusing the "common male ancestor" and "common female ancestor", who lived thousands of years apart as regards the whole of humanity's male and female ancestry(look up Mitochondrial DNA and Y-chromosomes).
Stefan's god-type is obviously anthropomorphic, like a celestial version of an alpha-male dictator or feudal lord or king, and all his created subjects must submit to his absolute and arbitrary authority. In other words it is the complete antithesis of freedom and democracy and concepts of human dignity. Stefan and many religionists like him clearly have a masochistic slave mentality.
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