Sunday, August 19, 2012

Angry = black?

An MSNBC host has apologised for describing Mitt Romney 's campaign tactics as the 'n***erisation' of Barack Obama.

Toure, a critic on The Cycle, used the term last night when accusing the Republican presidential candidate of racially-charged rhetoric against the President.

He had been discussing aggressive comments made by Mr Romney against Mr Obama during a campaign speech in Ohio on Tuesday, in which the Republican said the President should take his 'politics of division and anger back to Chicago'.  The former Massachusetts governor also said the President was 'angry and desperate'.

Romney himself was responding to Vice President Joe Biden's race blunder when he told an audience of black students that the Republican party would 'put y'all back in chains'.

The MSNBC host claimed Romney was engaging in 'racial coding' by portraying Obama as an angry black man.

He said on the show: 'You notice he says 'anger' twice. He's really trying to use racial coding and access some really deep stereotypes about the angry black man.

'This is part of the playbook against Obama. The otherization, he's not like us. I know it's a heavy thing to say. I don't say it lightly. But this is ni--erization. You are not one of us, and that you are like the scary black man who we've been trained to fear.'



A. Levy said...

It's rather interesting that this formally-homeless street urchin, who occasionally appeared on the Live With Reges TV show where he was asked for his opinions about the "hip-hop" lifestyle, is now a TV "personality" making political statements. And even more bizarre is that someone would actually take him seriously. I wonder what his statement would be if the president were White.

Anonymous said...

liberals divide with whatever fear tactics they can come up with.

Anonymous said...

Now public safety takes a back seat to political correctness. No clearer example of mental illness, but liberals will force you, sue you then arrest you to deny reality.

Anonymous said...

You want to see an angry man, just look at your average white guy in America these days.

This dude is a tool. He just thinks he's so cool because he as a "natural" afro. I guess that's a good enough reason for people to listen to him.

Anonymous said...

"Political correctness is a far greater threat to our freedom and liberty than is terrorism..."

Anonymous said...

Mitt was decrying divisiveness and is accused of race-baiting?
What does one have to do?
If a conservative had used this type of language he would have been sacked and become an instant pariah.

Go Away Bird said...

And theres a Black Angry Bird to