Saturday, June 09, 2007

No Free Speech in Schools -- Even When it is Offered

A school essay writing task was to write a stream-of-consciousness essay: One where you write whatever comes into your head without it being criticized. High school student Allen Lee, an 18-year-old straight-A student, went to his creative writing class at Cary-Grove High School and did as he was told. But his essay mentioned guns and shooting.

So despite his having done just what he was told, the school called the police and had him arrested and charged with "disorderly conduct". His future is now on hold and may have been permanently damaged. His case has yet to come to court and will probably be thrown out. Given that he was NOT engaged in "disorderly conduct" and given the first amendment he can scarcely be convicted for uttering his thoughts when asked to do so.

But official perversion of the law has already caused Lee a lot of harm regardless of the eventual court verdict. Details here and some good comments here.