Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Loony University Teacher

I have not so far said anything here about the current controversy at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. State legislators want the university to fire an instructor, Kevin Barrett, who says that 9/11 was the work of GWB. See here.

I think the legislators are dead wrong. Having that loony sponsored by the university should make it clear to almost all of the students what loonies the university faculty are in general. I can think of nothing better designed to show students what junk they are fed at university. It might even make Republicans out of a lot of them. Much foot-shooting by the UW Leftists there, I think.

It would be nice for UW to sponsor a conservative speaker of some kind as well but their dread of students hearing some truth for a change rules that out, of course.

The Good Old Predictable ACLU

Their latest caper is that they are defending the deranged Fred Phelps. See here. Regardless of any other merits of the case, the fact that Phelps attacks the U.S. military would have ensured ACLU support for him.

For an extensive briefing on Phelps see here. A very weird character indeed. Note that Phelps's political affiliations have always been Democrat and that he is a fan of Fidel Castro. No wonder the ACLU likes him!

Phelps should clearly be allowed to say what he likes but insofar as military funerals are private functions, he has no right to intrude on them -- and legislation designed to clarify what is private and what is not at military funerals is perfectly appropriate.


If you want a laugh at Fred Phelps's expense, there is a video here

"Immigrant" Incorrect in Britain

We read:

"Use of the word immigrant as an insult can amount to proof of racial hostility, the court of appeal ruled yesterday".


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