Tuesday, May 30, 2006

ACLU Deceit Exposed

Jeff Jacoby pulls apart the totally dishonest ACLU advertisement about "spying" on telephone records.

I liked one point in particular that he made: The ACLU is passionate about protecting Americans' privacy; it says nothing about protecting American lives.

There is a copy of the ad concerned here

Must not Mention the War

There will be a major (World cup) soccer match in Germany soon and there will be many English fans in attendance. And the fans like to sing and chant. So what will they sing? An English comedian, Stan Boardman, has written a humorous song for them that includes the chorus line: "The Germans bombed our chippy." The English Soccer honchos have banned it, of course. The sensitivities of Germans must be respected. So what was Stan's response to that?

He said: "The Germans DID bomb our chip shop. They also bombed the shelter I was in and killed my brother who was six.

Mustn't mention facts! But the song looks like being a hit anyway.

"Hate Speech" Accusation in Malta

We read:

"Extreme-right wing leader Norman Lowell was arrested on Saturday morning and arraigned in court later during the day accused of inciting racial hatred during three different public meetings.


Note that he was NOT acused of inciting violence so it seems to be a purely political prosecution. Lowell seems to be a bit of a nut but Malta is very Leftist so there won't be much of that famous Leftist "tolerance" for him. No First Amendment in Malta but they do have a British-style legal system. Britain ruled the island from 1814 to 1964.

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