Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Will Obama be the one who finally removes a memorial cross?

He'd be crazy to do it in the run-up to the election

For decades, there has been a First Amendment battle raging over the Mount Soledad Veterans Memorial in La Jolla, Calif., where a large cross anchors a tribute to Korean War veterans.

Because it sits on public property, the American Civil Liberties Union has long argued that the cross amounts to an unconstitutional entanglement of government and religion.

In 2011, the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals agreed, triggering an appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court, but in June, the high court justices declined to hear the case.

Oddly, the 9th Circuit, while ruling the cross illegal, didn't order it removed. The parties were left to begin negotiations about what to do with it. "We're going to go back and talk to the district court and talk to the government, and we will work at arriving at an appropriate remedy," ACLU attorney David Loy said at the time.

But just days ago, attorneys for the Mount Soledad Memorial Association learned that the ACLU has been negotiating with the Department of Justice without including the group that actually maintains the cross and memorial site. That sparked concern on Capitol Hill.



Bird of Paradise said...

The 9th circus court if there was one court in need of serious reform it this bunch of liberal fools

Anonymous said...

It's interesting to me how all of this anti-Christian sentiment arose since the Viet Nam war and the liberal movements of the 60's. It must be that the intellectuals and scholars spawned from that era are just so much more educated and enlightened than the countless generations preceding them.

My only consolation is that within the next 10 years, most of them will be retiring and out of the work force. And within 25 years they'll either be dead or on life support, ready to be unplugged.

Anonymous said...

Why not just add a few more symbols to keep everybody inclusive and "happy"?!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
"Why not just add a few more symbols to keep everybody inclusive and "happy"?!"

Ahh, the Neville Chamberlain solution. Ever hear of standing up for what you believe?

A. Levy said...

Publicly, the Marxist-in-Chief will not take a stand on this issue, especially so close to the election. Of course, that doesn't mean one of his loyal Obamunists won't attack the cross, as they have attacked just about every other issue involving religion. Other than Islam, that is.

The sad fact is, Obummer is a pathological liar. He says one thing in front of the cameras, then turns around and does (or has done) the exact opposite, and there are an endless number of documented examples to prove that point.

If it weren't for the fact that generally speaking, the American people have become weak, gullible sheep, he would have been impeached a long time ago.

Anonymous said...

need to impale the freaking aclu and other liberals on some mountain someplace.

Anonymous said...

@ 11:34

Why would you do something like that to some poor defensless mountain. What did the mountain ever do to you? :)

Dman said...

You know, it's easy to fall into the trap of thinking, "We have to stop the Left/Athiests/Secularists etc. But for those who claim the name of Christ, this shouldn't be all that surprising. According to the Bible, this is what's supposed to happen. The Bible clearly teaches that Christians will be persecuted for their beliefs. In the U.S. we're lucky that, so far, this persecution has largely been in the form of ridicule from non-believers. Other parts of the world aren't so lucky. But back on point: From a eschatological perspective, this is where the world needs to head. Perhaps this is why I don't get outraged when I see attacks against Christianity. I don't like it, but I expect it. My God is bigger than the opinion of the masses. And His plans are greater than those who would try to remove Him. Some people feel the need to defend their god. To which I have to ask, "Your god needs you to defend him help?

Anonymous said...

This passes for crime in the UK these days?


Anonymous said...

5:56 - so you must be applauding the atheists for standing up for what they believe in!

Yes, 10:31 PM, it doesn't need a prophet or psychic to know that any religious sect will be persecuted especially in its early days. And yes you are lucky it's only ridicule these days in the US, as earlier Christians even persecuted each other for belonging to the "wrong" sect, and even in the US!

stinky said...

He'd be crazy to do it in the run-up to the election

or desperate...

(A lot of his recent actions fall into the "playing to the far end of his base" category. He looks like he's desperately trying to generate turnout for his side, presumably because he doesn't think he can win over the undecideds, and picking a fight is one way to get your side more excited. Sure it can, and usually does, backfire, but if he's going down anyway, what's he got to lose by trying?)

Go Away Bird said...

They need to be forced to remove pagan relegious art froom public locations especialy the quettzal catyle in SAN DIEGO and various other locations through-out america

Anonymous said...

My religion is better than your religion.

Flu-Bird said...

Whats your relegion annon 9:07?

Anonymous said...

Religion is a private matter. I do not disclose such things. Any religion that wold have you as a member must be inferior.

Anonymous said...

Would that religion was indeed a completely private and personal matter!!

Phil "CrossMan" Kuhn said...

God will prevail.

Anonymous said...

Which god? There've been countless gods in human culture! And how will yours "prevail" exactly?