Must not mention gun ownership?
Apparently a rather dim American Olympic hurdler named Lolo Jones tweeted as follows after the American archers lost to Italy:

The tweet has been condemned as "insensitive" but it is plainly true that many Americans do own guns so getting "sensitive" about an everyday reality seems to be the problem of the sensitive person rather than anyone else, it seems to me.
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I understand why people condemn the statement. They are mindless drones and someone made a comment about guns that wasn't negative.
I don't understand why JJR calls someone dim just for tweeting a joke, unless it's because it leaves her open to condemnation, but I praise her for that.
It's Britain. What are the (not) sensitive about. Note how the Brits choose to overlook the fact that if not for America's guns, they would all be speaking German.
How many unsuspecting channel surfers were suffocated by the noxious stench emanating from the titanic tower of turds that the Brit Olympic Organizing Committee pooped out during the opening ceremony of the 30th Olympiad?
A US woman did win gold in a shooting event today. A WOMAN, so I bet she feels stupid now, doesn't she.
Some more unrelated liberal insanity for you.
Becuase the mention of Guns upsets nambdy pambdy little liberal pansies
Liberals want to dumb down US students and education even more. Let's replace useful skills like science and math and make everyone study gay history instead. That will make for a very prepared workforce.
519: Since when do the christian right support science?
Annon 6:10 Christians do support science its nut burgers like you who support the junk science
"Christians do support science"
LOL LOL LMFAO. You are quite funny
Since when do the christian right support science?
Since we were the ones who figured it out. You would know that if you actually read history books.
Too bad you're so out of touch. Here's a start:
The Blackwell Companion to Natural Theology
I Don't Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist
Note that closing your eyes, sticking your fingers in your ears and shouting "I can't hear you" at the top of your voice doesn't mean the evidence does not exist. It just means that you're a prejudiced bigot.
Those have been discredited multiple times. Try again.
Stupid spam filter. Trying again
The post by Anon 11:00 = "I can't hear you!"
Do you get your argument skills from Monty Python Skits?
It's better than spewing delusional biblical mythology. Btw I cannot hear morons; it's just random noise.
A true (honest) scientist says,"I don't know". A person of faith says, "I know" (that includes evangelical atheists). Although none of this has any relation to the original post at hand; this is the dogmatic nervous bowl syndrome of Europeans and Leftists concerning anything involving the private ownership of firearms.
I've known a couple of extremely good British & Russian snipers in my time...
I hate to say it, but the average kid in Alabama or Montana can make most of the same shots. I've picked up a few medals myself for target shooting (both pistol & rifle)
Oh, and the woman picking up a target shooting medal? No surprise (ask the Israelis) Women tend to twitch a little bit less.. the extra adipose layer evens it out... all they need is the training.
I am a white, male, Christian, Conservative gun owner who will once again exercise my right to vote against our President (peace be upon him.) And I am not alone.
"I am a white, male, Christian, Conservative gun owner"
Sorry to hear that. There is medication that you can take.
@Anon 3:22, maybe blacks wouldn't disproportionately experience school discipline if they didn't stop breaking the rules disproportionately to whites.
Yes, black America deserves recognition as a group because of the strife it has endured and partly overcome since the beginning of this country. But it also needs to stop promoting radical separatism and start assimilating as Americans.
Black America does not need more legislation. It needs its women to cross their legs and demanding more respect from its deadbeat men who can't keep their big black d*cks in their pants. And it needs them all to stop glorifying sex and violence in their music and attitude.
The sooner we achieve this, the sooner we can unite against the Islamic thread that will severely impact all Americans, black and white alike.
If Americans don't win something or best at something, then it's always "sour grapes"! Such childish bad losers!
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