Wednesday, July 04, 2012

Facebook heavily biased in enforcing their own rules

My recent interaction with Facebook confirmed what many have already observed: You can mock Jesus and the Christian faith on Facebook in the crudest and ugliest terms without penalty (as you’ll see in a moment, I do mean “crudest and ugliest”), but if you dare post something that is considered offensive to LGBT members, you could very well be punished.

To recap briefly, earlier this month , on two consecutive days, Facebook deleted the page for my book A Queer Thing Happened to America for alleged violation of community standards. The first time it was removed, Facebook told me that it was deleted accidentally; when it happened again (the very next day, with a stern warning sent to my colleague who had created the page), I emailed documentation to Facebook, showing them where at least one gay Facebook group had targeted my page.

Several hours later, with sincere apologies from my contact at Facebook, the page was restored and I was assured that the complaints of a few people should not be able to take a page down. For this I am grateful, but my serious concerns about censorship and double standards remain.

page was restored and I was assured that the complaints of a few people should not be able to take a page down. For this I am grateful, but my serious concerns about censorship and double standards remain.  Can you believe Facebook allows this?
    ‘F— Your F— ing God, You Ignorant Blinded Dumb F—’” (please excuse the language. I’m so sorry.)

    So I reported it to Facebook and got this reply:
    “Thanks for your recent report of a potential violation on Facebook. After reviewing your report, we were not able to confirm that the specific page you reported violates Facebook’s Statement of Rights and Responsibilities.”

The actual page features a revised version of Da Vinci’s Last Supper in which a Satan-like creature stands in the center of the disciples and on the table, in front of him, lays the severed and gory head, shoulders, and chest of Jesus.



Bird of Paradise said...

Phooie on facebook switch to TWITTER

Anonymous said...

It is true, they are biased but that is the standard MO for the world.

Anonymous said...

This a is another good example for all those who foolishly believe gays simply want "equality". Nothing could be further from the truth. Gays, in fact, want to dominate society so that their depravity is accepted by everyone. And, if you dare not accept it, or disagree with it, you will be forced to conform, via some Leftist San Francisco court, intimidation, or even outright violence.

Demanding tolerance from everyone, while giving absolutely none to anyone, is not what i would call equality. It is domination. It is a mindset that causes it's believers to think they are a "special class" of citizen, with rights and protections above and beyond those enjoyed by the rest of society. And, thanks to a weak and gullible society, they have come a very long way in getting exactly what they want. The so-called "hate crime" laws are a perfect example.

"Political correctness is a far greater threat to our freedom and liberty than is terrorism..."

Anonymous said...


Not to find a cure, but a faster way of spreading it.

Anonymous said...

"Not to find a cure, but a faster way of spreading it."

How about that you get infected with HIV and spread it to your wife and daughter.

Anonymous said...

2:55, why so venomous? calm down, you might live past your already much lower life expectancy.

Anonymous said...

"why so venomous? calm down"

Ask anon 2;42, clueless.

Anonymous said...

Fear is a tell tale sign. Take murderers for example, overwhelmingly to the left.

Of the offenders for whom race was known, 53.1 percent were black, 44.6 percent were white, and 2.3 percent were of other races.

How many conservative blacks do you know?

Anonymous said...

Being rude or "intolerant" about a concept (including a religion) is not the same as being intolerant about living people such as homosexuals.
JJ has again and now clearly revealed himself as a "militant homophobe" (in the same way there are apparently "militant gays" or "militant atheists" or any one who dares challenge current or widespread bigotry).

Anon 2:42 said...

Anonymous 2:55 said...
"How about that you get infected with HIV and spread it to your wife and daughter..."

Sorry, don't have either. But i'd be happy to give it to your mother. Again.

Use the Name, Luke said...


What an incredible* justification of the unjustifiable!

* as in not credible.

Anonymous said...

Re 3:24 AM - the monitor (JJ) should be worried and concerned about the bigots and virtual psychopaths he attracts to his site here!

Dean said...

3:07 AM

If you are speaking of the Facebook page Jon described, the words 'rude' and 'intolerant' don't go quite far enough.

'Obscene', 'vulgar' or 'malevolent' come closer to a description of that page.

If being intolerant of homosexuality as a concept is being intolerant of homosexual people, then intolerance of religion is intolerance of religious people.

Use the Name, Luke said...

Well said, Dean!

Anonymous said...

Anon 4:09 - Free speech is just that.

What is worse, prescribing speech so that people never overtly express what they truly believe or letting them show the whole world exactly what kind of person they are?

Note that when people aren't allowed to speak their attitude is still the same and their actions may still reflect that attitude, at least with free speech you will be forewarned and can measure your reaction to them accordingly.

In short, just ignore the fools sniping at each other, they both get what they deserve.

Anonymous said...

307, You've missed the point entirely. The point is that Facebook claims objectivity, but discriminates based on their own personal bias. It would not be an issue if both views were tolerated or discriminated against equally based on written policies.

A. Levy said...

The answer is quite simple. Don't use facebook if you disagree with their obvious bias.

Anonymous said...

It's prophecy.